Dear John,
Another month has flown by here at US Wellness Meats, and we are happy to be one month closer to spring! March is National Nutrition Month, and the theme this year is "Eat Right With Color." The hope of this theme is that Americans will add more colorful fruits and vegetables to their diet this year. To help you get started, our recipe section this week features a colorful BBQ Pork Salad with Summer Fruits & Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette.
Good news for ADHD sufferers and parents: new data from the Impact of Nutrition on Children with ADHD study shows that an "elimination diet" may be helpful in treating children with ADHD. Physicians are looking to treat ADHD with diet, instead of more medication. By eliminating possible foods or food additives that could be adding to symptoms, parents can determine which foods children react to, and then change their diet based on improvement of symptoms. Visit Medscape Education to read the full article. We can provide some of your children's favorite foods without any dangerous additives, preservatives, or dyes. Some of our kid-tested favorites are: Snack Sticks, Bologna, and Hot Dogs.
Bad foods can be good for you? We stumbled across an interesting slide show at WebMD this week, showing foods that most on the Standard American Diet have labeled as "bad" for you, but actually might not be that bad after all. Most of these foods are loaded with nutritional value, which the rest of us have known all along! Some of our favorites made the list: eggs, steak , pork, cheese, and nuts. Go one step beyond their recommendations and select grass-fed steaks, compassionate certified pork, raw grass-fed cheese, and raw, organic nuts for an extra health boost!
Are you following us on Twitter yet? If not you might be missing out on one of our best chicken recipes!
US Wellness Trivia Contest!
Enter for your chance to win a 15% discount code that can be applied to any one order under 40 lbs. We will randomly draw 30 winners who email the correct answer on Sunday, February 27. Promo codes will be emailed on Monday morning and will be active for 30 days. This week's question: "What is the March birth flower?" Please email your answers to to all who have been participating in our Trivia Contests! In the last news alert, we asked: What city in Italy still receives ~1000 letters addressed to Juliet every Valentine's Day? The answer was: Verona.
Healthy Regards,
John, Lee Ann, Megan, Tressa, Jennifer and Amanda on behalf of the farm families of U.S. Wellness Meats
Toll Free: (877) 383-0051 Direct Line: (573) 767-9040 Fax Number: (573) 767-5475 Email: URL:
Inventory Updates
The following items are back in stock: |
Dr. Eric Serrano MD, MS, BC
Question and Answer Column
Dear Dr. Serrano,
I have a question in regards to hormones and young women. My youngest daughter is 17 and gets depressed easily. She is tired and gets random aches and pains. She's been to the doctor and phsical therapy and everything checks out. Could she possibly have hormone issues due to her diet, which is lacking in healthy foods, as she doesn't want to eat what I cook?
She is sleeping in my room because she can't sleep at night. She gets adrenalin surges through her body and sometimes night terrors, that's why I wondered if it was a hormone issue.
She eats good foods and bad and tends to binge eat. She likes to eat and is very lazy in regard to exercise. I buy beef from US Wellness and Alaskan fish. I buy organic chicken and eggs, and try to get organic fruits and vegetables. I buy sprouted bread and raw milk. She hates the raw milk and refuses it, so I get her Organic Valley organic milk-2%.
Her lifestyle - she hates school. I recently took her out of a $$ private school and put her in public. I put her in IB classes as they were the highest available and then she'd be sure to meet decent kids, as our area is rough. Her grades are low- she carries a 2.8 GPA, and just wants to sit on Facebook. She has no motivation. She cries all the time and is easily overwhelmed these past 2 years. Before that, she was on top of everything.
She has a bold,leadership type of personality. Although she is quite rude at times and doesn't have many friends, she wants to be in the "popular crowd" more than anything and those kids do not care for her. She eats junk with kids at school and with her sister. She'll buy candy or cookies from the kids who sell them at school. She is 5 ft 7 in and about 135. She is beautiful, but hard to be around as she is so emotional.
Recently she has been drinking soda. I don't know how to stop her from eating the way she is. She gets mad at me when I try to talk with her about her diet. In the morning these last two weeks I've been giving her kefir with fruit, stevia, vitamin D, flax oil, coconut shavings, and she has been drinking it. Today I packed her a tuna sandwich on sprouted bread, carrots, and a pear. Tonight I will serve her salmon w/spinach, onion and garlic topping, and possible wild rice. I think she'd be happy if she were accepted among the kids, and I think she eats to help herself emotionally.
My older daughter is 24 and nursing a baby that just turned one on January 5th. She has blurred vision and headaches that come on in the morning and leave by evening. They are migraines, so she gets sick as well. Could this be hormones? Or related to diet? They also found a growth under her arm and are watching it. Her blood work came back normal. I still wonder why she has blurred vision and db vision, and migraines. She eats nothing but junk. She is married and doesn't live at home. She feeds her kids junk too.
Thank you, Shirley
Dear Shirley, Everything is related to diet, everything. Even lifestyles that are out of balance. You said that she drinks sugary drinks, eats good and bad, but my question to you is does she work? Where does she get the money to spend on junk food? Are you buying it at home? Why would I want to interact with you when I have a computer that I can use to interact with my many friends 24 hours a day? I bet that she has her own TV in her room, true? I am going to give you some suggestions, no, no suggestion but some Serrano rules, you might not agree with them but I use them at home and with a lot of my patients and I have a lot of patients and a lot of kids. I did obstetrics for nine years and started 22 years ago and I have seen my share of problems. - Believe or have faith in GOD
- Go to church or give some of your time, money or knowledge as a gift and your daughter will follow
- Absolutely no TV or computers in the room, we have five kids and two TV's, and only to watch educational shows
- If you are watching more than 2 hours per week of TV you are wasting your time and not spending time with your daughter
- Don't be your daughters friend but be her mother or father, you are not there to play with her, or laugh at mistakes, you are there to protect her and show her the way, to be the leader and the follower when necessary but always be a parent first. If she doesn't want to follow tough luck, she can do what she wants when she is on her own making a living
- Your husband and you must be like glue, always sticking together, don't let her divide you, if you or him are wrong - discuss it behind close doors
- Talk to her with respect so she shows you the same
- You are never ever allowed to talk back to your mother, she is the queen of the house.
- The best combination of parents consists of a father who is gentle beneath his firmness, and a mother who is firm beneath her gentleness
- You wonder about your older daughter - why is she getting migraines, double vision, but then you answer your own question
- Your daughter is dependent on her friends instead of you
- We don't have a democracy in my house but a dictatorship, and I am a soft dictator
- Eat dinner together at least three times per week, we do it at home five times per week
- Now that I focus almost all of the above on you and her, Shirley you must give her two choices but always make sure that the two choices you give her and two that you like a lot and the other one you like a lot more that way she can't make the wrong choice
- Stop feeling sorry for her and show her the way like you are, if she is acting negatively acknowledge it, but then go on and show her solutions if you can
- Don't buy any junk food that way she will not have a bad choice
- And now to some medical answers:
- Get a food allergy test
- Check her thyroid, vitamin D and blood sugars
- Start her on Alpha Omega 3 taking 4 per day
- Start her on Muscle Synthesis, 10 tablets empty stomach or two scoops empty stomach
- Start doing things with her, like going places, exercising together, reading together, and less time on tv or computer,
If I could live my life again I would spend more time playing with my children and grandchildren, less time watching athletes perform, more time enjoying what I have, less time thinking about the things I don't have. Good Luck, Dr. Serrano __________________________________________This is a friendly reminder to email health and wellness questions to for the Dr. Eric Serrano M.D.
question and answer series. Dr. Serrano is an M.D. with advanced degrees in nutrition, kinesiology and wellness.
Answers will appear in future U.S. Wellness Newsletters or News Alerts under your first name only.
Dr. Serrano has been so kind to offer his expertise to answer literally any question related to health and wellness involving grass-fed meats. Dr. Serrano has a wealth of knowledge from both his farm background and 15 years of clinical experience. This includes working with a number of world class athletes and a large local family practice in Ohio.
Dr. Eric Serrano M.D.
475 North Hill Road
Pickerington, OH 43147-1157
Email Questions To:

Featured Recipe |
BBQ Pork Salad with Summer Fruits & Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette
- 4 cooked Pork Chops, sliced
- 8 cups Mixed Greens
- 1 Grapefruit, segmented
- 16 Cherry Tomatoes
- 1 tablespoon Salad Oil
- 2 Avocados, cut into wedges
- 2 Nectarines, cut into wedges
- 2 tablespoons Toasted Almonds, slivered
- Salt and Black Pepper
Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette:
- 2 tablespoons Balsamic Vinegar
- 2 tablespoons Honey
- 1/2 tablespoon Dijon-Style Mustard
- 2 tablespoons Mayonnaise*
- 1 teaspoon Chili Powder
- 1 teaspoon Black Pepper
- 3/8 cup Salad Oil
Directions: - For the Vinaigrette:
In a blender, combine all ingredients except oil. Blend at medium speed for one minute. - Next, with blender at medium speed, pour oil very slowly into blender. Add salt and pepper.
- For each serving, toss 2 cups greens with 2 tablespoons dressing, top with 4 cherry tomatoes, 1 sliced pork chop, 1/2 avocado, sliced in wedges, 1/2 nectarine sliced in wedges, 1/4 grapefruit segments.
- Drizzle with more dressing and sprinkle with toasted almonds. Serve immediately.
*See our blog for a Homemade Mayonnaise recipe!
Recipe and photo compliments of Pork - The Other White Meat.
Customer Feedback |
 Just wanted to drop you a line and ask you about the latest 75% ground beef. I ordered on 1/30/11 and I got the bulk pack. Boy is it delicious! It is much lighter in color than your usual 75% ground. Pink color instead of dark red. It is ground up finer than usual and much more tender after cooking with a great grass fed flavor. Also the fat is much yellower than previous shipments of 75% ground I usually receive from y'all. Plus it cooks faster. No bloating and easy digestion. Whatever you did different on this batch keep it up, its mighty good. Your customer service is great! I received my 75% ground even in the midst of one of the worst snow storms this year. Thanks, Benjamin
February, 2011 - Tasmanian Farm
 These breathtaking shots were taken on one of our Tasmania farm cooperators. Top photo shows cattle just entering fresh pasture with an amazing view of the Bass Strait connecting Tasmania and Australia in the Southern Ocean. 
US Wellness - Supporting Our Troops
|  As the war on terror continues to rage in the Middle East, we continue to follow and support our troops both at home and abroad who work daily to protect our freedom. Beginning in our 2011 News Alerts we will focus on different organizations and individuals who are making a difference in the lives of our American Soldiers.  This week we are featuring the Honor Flight Network which is a non-profit organization dedicated to honoring the veterans who have risked their lives defending our country by making sure they are able to visit their war memorials. There are Regional Hubs all over the country that transport veterans, at no cost, to their respected war memorials. There are an astonishing number of veterans who have never been able to visit the memorials that were established in their honor. Honor Flight is able to get them there. As of 2008, there are approximately 1,000 WWII Veterans passing away every day. Honor Flight is working to ensure all surviving veterans are able to make it to their memorials before it is too late. Hearing returning Honor Flight veterans tell the story is awe-inspiring. Most of them think there is no way they will be able to have the experience, and it is truly life changing for them. If you would like to help ensure more veterans are able to receive this honor, please visit their website, or find the closest Regional Hub to directly help veterans in your area. |
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About U.S. Wellness Meats |
U.S. Wellness Meats was founded on  September 1st, 2000. Pasture management and meat science research originated in 1997. The company office is located in Monticello, Missouri in Lewis County which joins the Mississippi River 140 miles North of St. Louis. The company has branched from beef products into: Grass-Fed Lamb, Compassionate Certified Pork, Poultry, Wild Caught Seafood, Grass-Fed Bison, Grass-Fed Butter, Raw Grass-Fed Cheese, Raw Honey, Gourmet Rabbit, Wholesale Packs, Nutraceuticals, Pre-Cooked Entrees, Snacks, and Pet Food.
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Copyright © 2009 by U.S. Wellness Meats. All rights reserved. The content, design and graphical elements of this newsletter are copyrighted. Please secure written permission of the author before copying or using this material. Address:
John Wood U.S. Wellness Meats
Toll Free: (877) 383-0051
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