Dear John,
The colors are changing in Northeast Missouri. Fall is upon us as we have been enjoying sunny, mild days and chilly nights. This has us in the mood for bonfires, hayrides and hot chili!
For some new (and easy) fall recipes, you'll want to check out our October Recipe Page just posted this week. Our newest feature chef is one of our favorites - Juli Bauer from PaleoOMG was nice enough to sit down and answer a few questions and share some of her favorite cold-weather paleo recipes. If you haven't checked out her blog yet, now would be a good time. She has quite the collection of gluten-free recipes, along with plenty of CrossFit info mixed in with helpful and hilarious life lessons.
EXCLUSIVE 15% DISCOUNT OPPORTUNITY for US Wellness customers to experience Kat James' TOTAL TRANSFORMATION(R) in San Francisco, October 25-30th. You might have read about award-winning author, Kat James' Total Transformation programs on PBS or in a recent health magazine, where a growing number of dramatic success stories from this truly unique program have been featured year after year. Now is your chance to be a part of it. The upcoming Total Transformation(R) will be held October 25-30. If you are ready to improve your health, appearance, and outlook on life, this is where you need to be. Kat has successfully helped celebrities and everyday consumers transform their life in ways they never thought possible. The most unique feature is Kat does not believe in counting calories, fat grams, carbs, and boot camp is not even in Kat's vocabulary. The knowledge that Kat teaches is how to use your leptin switch to manage weight, and a myriad of other diet related issues! Kat's website has all the details on this once in a lifetime opportunity. Don't forget to mention the 15% discount for US Wellness customers.
This catchy little video about some of our favorite snacks caught our eye this week. Whenever we add a new product to our store, we ask a million questions. We are very picky and want to know the source, the method, the ingredients, any hidden ingredients, etc., the list goes on. The slogan for the GoodOnYa Bars is that "Every Ingredient Matters" so when we first tried these bars we already had an inkling we were onto something good. They haven't let us down! We pack them everywhere - on vacation, work trips, and keep a few extra in the fridge in case we need a quick breakfast or an afternoon snack. All three varieties are packed with organic, gluten-free ingredients without any soy or dairy added. Add a few to your next order and you'll be glad you did!
A recently published study has found more benefits to the Mediterranean Diet enriched with olive oil, as seen in our health section below. The Mediterranean Diet is centered around healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seafood and has helped many consumers turn their health around.
This list caught our eye this week: 10 Best Foods For Your Body. Learn what to add to your diet to prevent grey hair, protect your eyes and balance your blood sugar. Some of our favorites made the list, and some others you might not have expected. As usual, salmon makes yet another top food list. Salmon is a superfood in so many ways - packed with heart healthy, anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, it should be a staple in every diet.
You asked - we listened! In one of our recent blog articles we asked for your input - what were your suggestions for our website, product selection and customer service? You want to see more bulk discounts, so we added more! We have a long list of products that are on a volume discount, meaning the more you buy the more you save. We are working on adding more and appreciate your feedback. Another issue we are working hard on is keeping everything in stock. Our meatcutters have been working overtime to catch up on steaks and marrow bones, and especially the popular sugar-free pork bacon - we appreciate your patience!
Mark your calendars! Coming up November 8-12 in sunny Santa Clara, CA is the 13th Annual Wise Traditions Conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Whether you are a vendor, speaker, teacher or consumer, this will be a beneficial experience. The foundation is able to bring together some of best experts on traditional food and health to speak and present to a crowd that continues to grow every year. There is something here for everyone and we learn something new every year. Don't wait - you can save $50 if you register before October 15!
October Regards,
John, Lee Ann, Tressa, Jennifer, Amanda and Laura on behalf of the farm families of U.S. Wellness Meats
Toll Free: (877) 383-0051 Direct Line: (573) 767-9040 Fax Number: (573) 767-5475 Email: URL:
Inventory Updates |
Back in Stock:
Pork chops, pork sausages, beef suet and pet burger will restock Monday afternoon. Sugar free pork bacon will restock Friday or Monday afternoon and usually sells out the same day from incredible demand.
Recent Health News
Mediterranean Diet Enriched With Olive Oil May Protect Bones
A study to be published in the Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM) shows consumption of a Mediterranean diet enriched with olive oil for two years is associated with increased serum osteocalcin concentrations, suggesting a protective effect on bone.
Age-related bone mass loss and decreased bone strength affects women and men alike are an important determinant of osteoporosis and fracture risk. Studies have shown that the incidence of osteoporosis in Europe is lower in the Mediterranean basin. The traditional Mediterranean diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, with a high intake of olives and olive oil could be one of the environmental factors underlying this difference.
"The intake of olive oil has been related to the prevention of osteoporosis in experimental and in vitro models," said José Manuel Fernández-Real, MD, PhD, of Hospital Dr. Josep Trueta in Girona, Spain and lead author of the study. "This is the first randomized study which demonstrates that olive oil preserves bone, at least as inferred by circulating bone markers, in humans."
The participants in this study were 127 community-dwelling men aged 55 to 80 years randomly selected from one of the Prevencion con Dieta Mediterranea (PREDIMED) study centers who had at least two years of follow-up. The PREDIMED study is a large, parallel group, randomized, controlled trial aimed to assess the effect of the Mediterranean diet on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
For this study, subjects were elderly without prior cardiovascular disease but having a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes or harboring at least three cardiovascular risk factors, namely hypertension, dyslipidemia, or a family history of premature cardiovascular disease. Participants were randomly assigned to three intervention groups: Mediterranean diet with mixed nuts, Mediterranean diet with virgin olive oil, and a low-fat diet.
Biochemical measurements of osteocalcin, glucose, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides were performed at baseline and after two year follow-up on fasting blood samples. Researchers found that only consumption of the Mediterranean diet with olive oil was associated with a significant increase in the concentrations of total osteocalcin and other bone formation markers. There were also no significant changes in serum calcium in subjects taking olive oil whereas serum calcium decreased significantly in the other two groups.
"It's important to note that circulating osteocalcin was associated with preserved insulin secretion in subjects taking olive oil," added Fernández-Real. "Osteocalcin has also been described to increase insulin secretion in experimental models."
Other researchers who helped with the study included Mónica Bulló, José Maria Moreno-Navarrete, Wifredo Ricart, Emilio Ros, Ramon Estruch, and Jordi Salas-Salvadó of Instituto de Salud Carlos III in Madrid, Spain.
The article, "A Mediterranean Diet Enriched with Olive Oil is Associated with Higher Serum Total Osteocalcin Levels in Elderly Men at High Cardiovascular Risk," will appear in the October 2012 issue of JCEM.
Endocrine Society. "Mediterranean diet enriched with olive oil may protect bone." ScienceDaily, 15 Aug. 2012. Web. 3 Oct. 2012.
Ask the Doctor - Question & Answer Series
|  Dear Dr. Serrano, I'm very worried about my daughter. She is 25 and about 5'6, and probably 130 pounds. She eats pretty well, rarely has dessert and doesn't drink soda or sugary drinks, however she drinks a lot. Mostly beer, some whiskey. This has been going on for at least 8 years now and I'm very worried about her liver. I've read about how certain herbs and supplements can help this somewhat, one of the most common ones is Milk Thistle. Do you think there is anything she can do? Because I'm afraid the drinking isn't going to quit.
Best, June F.________________________________
Dear June, You are telling me your daughter eats good but then goes and binges, sorry June that is not good eating at all. The fastest way to put fat on your abdomen is through drinking and if you are allergic to wheat it is also the fastest way to eventually be sick due to the effects of wheat in your total health. As a parent I feel bad for you because of where you are in this situation and as a doctor and parent what must be done is to sit down with her and have a serious talk. She is not going to listen to you, so you are going to need to have proof of what you are talking about. This is what I want you to do: tell her how you feel and if she doesn't listen to you, to go with you and get a blood test of her liver. The trick is to do it right after the weekend so she has been drinking and ask the doctor to check her liver enzymes, CPK, and kidneys and if they are high - you have what you need to make a difference. The milk thistle will make a difference only if she takes it and needs about 600 mg per day. Good Luck, - Dr. Serrano___________________________________
This is a friendly reminder to email health and wellness questions on any topic to for the Dr. Serrano question and answer series. Answers will appear in future issues of the bi-weekly newsletter under your first name only. Dr. Serrano has advanced degrees in nutrition, kinesiology and wellness and has a wealth of knowledge from his farm background, 15 years of clinical experience, and as an award-winning professor at Ohio State Medical School. Dr. Serrano has an outstanding family practice on the outskirts of Columbus, Ohio and works with a select group of professional athletes. He has been so kind as to offer his expertise to any question involving health and wellness.
Recipe Corner |
Sweet Apple Rabbit Stew
2 apples, cored and sliced
4 celery stalks, diced
3 large carrots, diced
1/2 yellow onion, diced
1 bundle of kale, stems removed, roughly chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons coconut aminos
2 cups apple juice (no sugar added, just apples)
1 cup vegetable broth (no sugar added)
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon fresh thyme
1/2 teaspoon fresh parsley
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Salt and pepper, to taste
4 tablespoons fat of choice (I used bacon fat)
- Heat up a large soup pot, add 3 tablespoons of fat of choice then add in your minced garlic cloves.
- Add in your rabbit portions to brown the rabbit for about 4 minutes on each side. Season each side with salt and pepper as you go. Be sure not to overcrowd the pan because you will then steam your rabbit. You want to get a nice brown to all the rabbit, so you may have to work in batches.
- Once your meat has browned, add in to a plate.
- Pour in your apple juice, vegetable broth, coconut aminos, Dijon mustard, raw honey, and garlic powder, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, and a bit more salt and pepper.
- Add the rabbit pieces back into your pot. Cover and let cook on the stove top on a medium-low heat for around 1-1.5 hours or until rabbit is falling off the bone.
- When there is about 15 minutes left to cook, add in your sliced fresh thyme and parsley, apples and kale, salt and pepper once more, and cover again to help soften.
- Remove pot from heat and use a couple forks to shred your rabbit from the bones and back into the stew. Discard the bones.
- Eat up!
Recipe and photo compliments of our feature chef Juli Bauer! Juli authors the popular blog PaleoOMG and is a dependable source of easy paleo recipes, CrossFit tips and all types of life lessons. Visit her recipe page for more autumn recipes!
If you are a blogger or food artist and would like to see your recipes published simply email them to
Customer Feedback |
Dear US Wellness Meats,
I was glad to see that you are addressing the new "Healthy But Hungry Kids" program set into motion this school year. As an elementary school teacher and a mom with two children in school, I have a viable interest in what our kids are eating.
This is what I have noticed: the younger kids AREN'T eating and the older kids aren't eating enough.
At the elementary school, it's not about portion, it's about interest. Most of the students in my class dump full trays everyday. They don't like sweet potatoes, especially cold, soggy ones. They don't like skim milk. I would like to see the research that says one carton of 2% milk causes obesity in children. This is the best fat we can give a child's brain!
A large portion of our student body lives in what the government defines as poverty. What they receive during school lunch is their one hot meal of the day and this is also the meal where they receive most of their days portion of calories. So BOOO to lower protein and carbs, growing minds and bodies need these two things. Furthermore, I will tell you that by 2:00 in the afternoon, about two hours after lunch, my students are tired and hungry. I have considered offering an afternoon snack.
Now, my high school athlete, a 14-year-old girl, will eat anything you put in front of her. She's not picky, bring on the cold, soggy sweet potatoes. The problem at the high school level is not interest, its portion. Our high schoolers receive the same portion size our elementary does. My argument about poverty remains the same at this level. Add to it this thought: after lunch my daughter has athletic conditioning for an hour and a half and then a two hour practice or game; couldn't we offer an "athletes tray" at lunch? More than once she has passed out at practice this school year. What most of the students have been doing is either purchasing two trays at lunch or bringing their own lunch AND eating a tray; sort of defeats the "Healthy But Hungry Kids Act."
I really hate government interference when it comes to parents raising their children.
Thanks for your time,
Tricia H. Fourth Grade eMINTS
Tasmanian Grazing
| Lush green pastures, humus rich soils, and blue skies make for perfect grazing conditions in sunny Tasmania. The town in the photo below is Stanley, Tasmania with a long dormant volcano sheltering the community.
The Cable Station is a wonderful B&B for those wanting to journey down under for a perfect get away. Some of the finest food, people and hospitality are yours in the Stanley community. |
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About U.S. Wellness Meats |
U.S. Wellness Meats was founded on September 1st, 2000. Pasture management and meat science research originated in 1997.
The company office is located in Monticello, Missouri in Lewis County which joins the Mississippi River 140 miles North of St. Louis.
The company has branched from beef products into: Grass-Fed Lamb, Compassionate Certified Pork, Poultry, Wild Caught Seafood, Grass-Fed Bison, Grass-Fed Butter, Raw Grass-Fed Cheese, Raw Honey, Gourmet Rabbit, Wholesale Packs, Nutraceuticals, Pre-Cooked Entrees, Snacks, and Pet Food.
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We at U.S. Wellness Meats do not sell, trade or give away any subscriber information. This isn't just an ethical commitment, it's also a legal one.
Copyright © 2009 by U.S. Wellness Meats. All rights reserved. The content, design and graphical elements of this newsletter are copyrighted. Please secure written permission of the author before copying or using this material. Address:
John Wood
U.S. Wellness Meats
Toll Free: (877) 383-0051