December 2, 2015 Monticello, MO
US Wellness Meats NewsAlert - In This Issue
It is hard to believe that in just about four weeks we will be ringing in the New Year of 2016. This is the time of year to reflect on our successes and identify some areas for improvement.
Looking back on our year, we launched several major enhancements this year.
- new shopping platform and website
- key personnel changes and additions
- more mobile-friendly newsletter format
- this month we are finalizing the improvements of our inventory, warehousing and distribution efforts.
Thank you for your patience and loyalty as we worked through the bumps in the road that come with change. We are excited about 2016 and look forward to delighting you with our friendly service, and enhanced availability of the quality products you have come to expect.
Christmas is right around the corner. If you are looking for a perfect "stocking stuffer" consider one of the items in our gifts category. A gift certificate, or a bottle of all natural BBQ sauce are sure to please. Consider this Slow Roasted Prime Rib recipe for your holiday meal centerpiece. Listed below in the Recipe Corner, this comes from our good friend Mickey Trescott at AutoImmunePaleo. This savory delight will be a hit with your dinner guests.
This month we shook the dust off one of our most popular Featured Chef blog posts from holidays past. Erin Shriver, is the author of the Real Food Renegade blog, and a couple years ago she shared some of her favorite holiday recipes with us. As a self-proclaimed recovering vegan and now paleo expert, she has a vast knowledge of food. Be sure to check out her recipe page for some unique new holiday menu ideas as well as the bonus tallow soap recipe she shared with us!
In the health category of Strange but True! Learn how to use seaweed to make everyday meals healthier in this health news article which comes from University of Southern Denmark's professor of biophysics, Ole G. Mouritsen, who has authored several books on seaweed as food.
Several popular items restocked this week. 75% Lean Ground Beef, Large French Ribeye, Ground Chicken, & Ground Turkey.
End of Year Regards ~ Seasons Greetings!
John, Lee Ann, Tressa, Laura, Deric, and Courtney on behalf of the farm families of US Wellness Meats. Toll Free: (877) 383-0051 Direct Line: (573) 767-9040 Fax: (573) 767-5475 www.uswellnessmeats.comeathealthy@grasslandbeef.com
All sale item discounts expire at 10:00 pm CST on Saturday December 5, 2015.
Adding Seaweed to Food Products Can Help Lower Cardiovascular Disease
Source: University of Southern Denmark One way to prevent cardiovascular diseases is to avoid obesity and eat healthy, leaving the responsibility with the individual consumer.
But the responsibility should also be shared by society, argues University of Southern Denmark professor of biophysics, Ole G. Mouritsen, who has authored several books on seaweed as food.
Professor Mouritsen is the co-author of an article in the journal Phycologia reviewing existing knowledge on the health effects of 35 different seaweed species.
In the article the authors offer suggestions to how both individual consumers and the food industry can use seaweed to make our everyday meals healthier.
"It's Not Just For Eating"
I'm honestly not sure how this tallow tastes, but I do know that it makes wonderful soap (especially shaving soap)! I make soap to sell, and rendering enough tallow myself got to be too much work a few months ago. This is so much easier, and the price is roughly the same as the fat scraps I was getting from the local organic butcher. I will definitely order again soon.
Jennifer C. Port Hueneme, CA
US Wellness Store - Quick Links
Author: Mickey Trescott
Prep Time: 20 min Cook Time: 5-7 hrs Serves: 4-6
- Two hours before cooking, take the prime rib out of the refrigerator to allow to come completely to room temperature. Rub all of the exposed surfaces with the sea salt.
- When you are ready to start cooking, preheat the oven to 200 degrees F. Place the meat bone side down on a rack in a roasting dish. Cook for 4-6 hours, or until an internal thermometer reads 125 degrees (for medium-rare; 135 for medium), keeping in mind that the roast will rise in temperature 5 degrees as it cools.
- Let the roast cool for 30-45 minutes while you increase the oven temperature to 500 degrees.
- Place the roast back in the oven for 7-10 minutes to let the skin get crispy. Watch it carefully here, as it can burn easily! Once you take it out of the oven it only needs a few minutes to cool; the meat on the inside has already rested.
Notes: Alternately, you can brown the outside of the meat for 7-10 minutes in a skillet once the meat has rested.
Mickey Trescott is a cook and one of the bloggers behind Autoimmune Paleo. After recovering from her own struggle with both Celiac and Hashimoto's disease, adrenal fatigue, and multiple vitamin deficiencies, Mickey started to write about her experience to share with others and help them realize they are not alone in their struggles. She is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner by the Nutritional Therapy Association, and is the author of The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook, a guide and recipe book for the autoimmune protocol, and AIP Batch Cook, a video-based batch cooking program.
If you are a blogger or food artist and would like to see your recipes published in our newsletter simply email us at eathealthy@grasslandbeef.com.
Farm Photos - US Wellness Cattle
| The Cascades mountains rise in the background of the finest winter lamb grazing in the USA.
| |
| The Willamette Valley in Oregon is a perfect environment for winter grass-fed lamb production.
- All orders must weigh at least 7 pounds in order to ship, to ensure everything stays frozen during transit.
- $75 minimum purchase requirement, since we have built the cost of shipping into the price of each product.
- You will never be charged extra for shipping.
- There is a $7.50 handling fee upon checkout.
- The South Carolina Chicken Bundles, BBQ Sauce, produce and cookbooks ship from separate locations, so they are not included in the 7 lb weight minimum. The shopping cart will keep track and remind you if your order is under the 7 lb limit.
Weight Discount- Receive a $25 discount for every 40 pounds you order. This offer excludes items that ship separate such as the South Carolina Chicken, produce and fresh bundles.
- This is our way of saying thank-you for purchasing in bulk!
- This can be any combination of products totaling 40 pounds and does not have to be specific to any category. Each 40 pound interval will yield the discount - for example, order 80 pounds and we'll take $50 off!
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Copyright © 2009 by U.S. Wellness Meats. All rights reserved. The content, design and graphical elements of this newsletter are copyrighted. Please secure written permission of the authors before copying or using this material. Submit request to eathealthy@grasslandbeef.com