August 9, 2017    Canton, MO
US Wellness Meats News Alert - In This Issue  

Health Article ~ Protein rich diet may help soothe inflamed gut

Recipe Corner ~ Keto Meatball Pizza

Whole30 Bonus - All Whole30 items in our store are on sale!

Sale Items - Beef, ground 55% lean, steaks, bones, chops and snacks

USWM Shout Out - Fine eating establishments

Dear John,
Sugar-Free Bacon ON SALE
Whole30 Bonus Sale
Are you joining the September Whole30 Challenge? Over 35+ Whole30 Approved products on sale just in time for your meal prep. Save 15% through midnight Saturday. 
15% OFFWhole30 Approved 
15% OFFWeekly Sale Items 

Recipe Corner
Pizza is one of those amazing foods that happens to be not-so-paleo friendly. Not-so-fast...this Keto Meatball Pizza recipe is paleo friendly and pizzatastic! We've partnered with our friends over at PaleoHacks again to bring you this pizza pie treat.
Here's another option for all the pizza lovers out there. Wellness Bakeries has a Paleo Pizza Crust that is grain and gluten free. Try this with your favorite toppings. Compare the two and let us know what you think.
Health & Wellness
Find out why a protein rich diet may be linked to a healthier gut. Highly acclaimed Washington University in St. Louis studied IBD and released some interesting findings.

Attend Grassfed Exchange
You're invited to attend the 9th Annual Grassfed Exchange in Albany, New York, September 27-29. Soil expert Ray Archuleta will be one of the featured speakers at this year's event. Early Bird Registration has been extended to August 15th. Take advantage of this excellent opportunity to learn more about the future of food.

USWM Shout Out - Restaurant Partners

Did you know our grass-fed meats are served in fine eating establishments around the country? Next time you're in the mood for some authentic cuisine, look up one of our partners and prepare to be dazzled with culinary excellence!

  • Jackson's Steakhouse - Pensacola, Florida 
    Chef Irv Miller serves exquisite Gulf Coast cuisine and has written the wonderful book, Panhandle to Pan based on a lifetime of knowledge gleaned with hands-on experience in all facets of the coastal food chain.
  • Wood's Hill Table - Concord, Massachusetts
    Founder Kristin Canty, of Farmageddon fame, and Chef Charlie Foster will love to know you enjoy their unique offerings from farm and sea in ways you will find amazing. Every creation has a story!
  • BRGR - New York City, New York
    Enjoy delicious grass-fed burgers and sugar-free franks at two different locations: 1026 3rd Avenue or 278 S 7th Street.
  • Thyme Square - Quincy, Illinois
    Founder Chef Cory Shupe and GM Erica Shupe lead one of our favorite nearby restaurants, specializing in locally sourced, sustainably raised foods.
  • The Pier - Quincy, Illinois
    Sits atop an 1800's Mississippi River railroad pier. Chef Richard Cole will plate a wonderful grass-fed ribeye surrounded with organic veggies overlooking the Quincy riverfront.
  • Taste of Belgium - Cincinnati, Ohio
    Belgium Chef Jean-Francois Flechet is a huge fan of US Wellness beef tallow in his Cincinnati restaurants.   

Best Regards,
John & Staff on behalf of the farm families of US Wellness Meats

Toll Free:  (877) 383-0051
Direct Line: (573) 767-9040
Fax: (573) 383-7004
Weekly Specials
All sale item discounts expire at 10:00 pm CST on Saturday, August 12th, 2017. 
Health News

Immune cells patrol the gut to ensure that harmful microbes hidden in the food we eat don't sneak into the body. Cells that are capable of triggering inflammation are balanced by cells that promote tolerance, protecting the body without damaging sensitive tissues. When the balance tilts too far toward inflammation, inflammatory bowel disease can result.
Customer Feedback

"These are REALLY good!"
"I tried one of these on a whim. I'm on a ketogenic diet and am always looking for new sugar-free options, but I was never big on meat sticks or jerky. This was a pleasant surprise. Very tasty without being too spicy or salty, and of course the meat source is top notch. Wish I had bought more!"

Kate P. of Glendora, CA  
US Wellness Store - Quick Links
Recipe Corner
This pizza is pure comfort! Loaded with big, homemade Keto meatballs and spicy marinara, this healthy pie is built upon a homemade coconut crust (it's a lot easier than you think - promise!)

USWM thanks go out to Megan Olson of PaleoHacks for this exceptional pizza recipe.
Farm Photos 

These heavy cattle are in Gulf Coast cattle utopia with forage millet that turns the warm sunlight of southern Alabama into power forage with every bite of green leaves.  

Note the cattle egret standing watch in the lower right corner. Cattle egrets bond with these Alabama cattle and move with the cattle as they graze.   
Purchasing Information
Order Minimums
  • All orders must weigh at least 7 pounds in order to ship, to ensure everything stays frozen during transit.
  • $75 minimum purchase requirement, since we have built the cost of shipping into the price of each product.
  • You will never be charged extra for shipping.
  • There is a $7.50 handling fee upon checkout.
  • The South Carolina Chicken Bundles, BBQ Sauce, produce and cookbooks ship from separate locations, so they are not included in the 7 lb weight minimum.  The shopping cart will keep track and remind you if your order is under the 7 lb limit.   
Weight Discount
  • Receive a $25 discount for every 40 pounds you order. This offer excludes items that ship separate such as the South Carolina Chicken, produce and fresh bundles.
  • This is our way of saying thank-you for purchasing in bulk!
  • This can be any combination of products totaling 40 pounds and does not have to be specific to any category.  Each 40 pound interval will yield the discount - for example, order 80 pounds and we'll take $50 off!

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