Hope & Aspirations
January is a month full of hope and aspirations. We look at the new year as a clean slate for us to try new things, expand our horizons, and resolve to be better. While some of us are well into establishing routines for the new year, some of us may be procrastinating on making a list of resolutions. Making the list is the first hurdle because we know that once the list is out there we're creating a conflict of sorts between our hope and determination. Here are just a few thoughts to help start the process and stick with it.
One thing high on nearly everyone's list is health and wellness. We WANT to be healthy. We WANT to make better food choices. We WANT to get more exercise. Hope resides in these desires. It's just a matter of putting some resolve (resolution) into the mix. Once you have a short list of resolutions written out on paper, try saying each one out loud to yourself and be as specific as you can. "I resolve to...stop drinking soda", or "I resolve to...cut out vegetable oils", or "I resolve to...do 30 minutes of exercise every day", or "I resolve to...turn off screens after 9PM". These are just a few things to consider. Each individual is different, so there will be specific things each of us can improve or cut out. It does help to hear ourselves commit to making a change though. If you have someone willing to be your accountability partner, that can also help to keep you on track and it will encourage the other person as well. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement.
We hope you'll stick with it and make these resolutions into new healthy habits. Eventually, your body will feel better, your mind will be clearer, and you'll likely sleep better. The long term benefits of the choices you make now are even better!
Another option to improve food choices is to find a good, clean diet and resole to stick to it. We have several categories with curated cuts specifically for these special diets - AIP, Sugar-free, Ancestral, Keto, Whole30, and Paleo. We also have a variety of specialty bundles to make shopping easier including: Ultimate Grass-fed Steak Bundle, Keto Cravings Bundle, Farm Fresh Bundle, Carnivore Collection Bundle, and one for pets too.
Well Wishes, Team USWM