U.S. Wellness Meats Newsletter
Help Our Kids Stay Healthy and Lean
Back to School Special & 4 On Sale Companions
Dr. Sears: Duo Targets Parkinson's & Huntington's
Dr. Serrano: Diet Tip Slows Tryglycerides
Shane Ellison: The Master Antioxidant
Scott Mendelson: Rapid Weight Loss with Effort
Customer Feedback: Braunsweiger over Chocolate?

August 9, 2009
Monticello, Missouri
Dear John,

Can you believe it is almost time to go back to school?!  Neither can we, another summer has flown by.  We are hoping to make the back-to-school transition a little easier this year by offering a Back To School Sampler Special.  This unique special features pre-cooked and easy to prepare entrees perfect for school lunches or to send with college students as they move back into the dorms.  Be sure to take advantage of this money-saving sale soon!

The Back to School Sampler is a great way to get your kids on the path to eating well. Many kids are overweight and headed towards a lifetime of health problems unless we help to change those habits now. Read about the benefits of omega 3 oils, weight loss and learning. Grass fed meats are the best way to get supercharged nutrition in your kids!

Time is running out on your chance to win a $100 US Wellness Meats gift certificate!  The winner of the Easy Breezy Summer Recipe Contest will be chosen this Friday, August 14, and the winner will receive a $100 gift certificate.  We have received dozens of delicious recipes so far, be sure to enter this week for your chance to win!

We are off and competing again!  Megan recently completed the Bix 7 marathon in Davenport, IA. Megan has been training all summer and stayed hydrated during training and on the big day with Beyond Hydration water.  Catherine Ebeling finished 3rd in the Tour de Soulard, Bastille Day Criterium in St Louis on July 16.  This is a very intense cycling race with 10 turns in the high speed one mile coarse.  For Catherine, this was only her 3rd competitive cycling race.  Beyond Hydration was the choice of liquid during training and race day. 

In closing, we offer all of our supporters a well worn thank you for all you have done supporting our endeavors for the past nine years.  Words cannot express our appreciation for the support you have given with yours dollars, your encouragement and your word of mouth to friends and neighbors.  Without you, this journey would have run out of gas long ago.

Happy August,

John, Lee Ann, Megan, Tressa and Jennifer on behalf of the farm families of U.S. Wellness Meats.    

Toll Free: (877) 383-0051
Direct Line: (573) 767-9040
Fax: (573) 767-5475
URL:  www.uswellnessmeats.com
Email: eathealthy@grasslandbeef.com
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In This Issue
Breaking News Notes

sandwich steak small RE-STOCKED ITEMS
New Selections
New Contest for News Alert

On August 2, 2009, U.S. Wellness implemented a trivia question contest good for a number of 15% promo codes.
This feature will only run in the News Alert which publishes bi-weekly in place of the Newsletter you are reading today.  Great response last week from those that participated.

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Don't forget to look for the special promo code hidden in the text for a one time only 15% discount off your next purchase. Code will be active Sunday through Tuesday
this week.

The 7 red letters (in sequence) are in the extended articles in this issue and will spell out a string that can be used in the 'promo code' area when you are placing your order. The letters will begin within Catherine Ebeling article after you open the complete article by clicking the link at the bottom of the article.  Remaining clues might be in subsequent sections of the newsletter.

This code only applies on orders weighing under 40 pounds and excludes all sale items
Your order receipt will not show a credit.  The code simply changes prices on your receipt page in spread sheet format. 

Compare receipt to retail store prices if you question the discount.

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New research reported in the British Journal of Nutrition indicate that overweight and obese people have blood levels of omega 3 fatty acids almost 1 per cent lower than people with a healthy weight, which is significant.

"Our findings suggest that omega 3 may play an important role in weight status and abdominal adiposity," wrote the researchers, led by Professor Monohar Garg from the University of Newcastle, and president elect of the Nutrition Society of Australia.

Previous studies have implicated omega 3 in protective benefits against obesity, but the new study adds to this growing body of evidence. A considerable number of studies already support the benefits of the omega 3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) for cardiovascular health, and cognitive health.

Other areas of potential for the fatty acids include mood and behavior, eye health, cancer risk reduction, and improved infant and children's brain development.

Indeed, obese people had omega 3 levels of 4.53 per cent, compared to 5.25 per cent in their healthy-weight peers. When the researchers classed the people according to their omega 3 levels, and not by their weight, they again observed that increased omega 3 levels were associated with a healthier Body Mass Index, a smaller waist, and a lower hip size.

"Studies, along with our observations, suggest that omega 3 PUFA supplementation may play an important role in preventing weight gain and improving weight loss when omega 3's are supplemented  with a structured weight-loss program," wrote the researchers.

Results from animal studies, for example, suggested that omega 3s may increase the production of heat by burning energy (thermogenesis).

Another study suggested a role of omega-3s in boosting the feeling of fullness after a meal (postprandial satiety) during weight loss in both overweight and obese individuals. Such observations are linked to changes in levels of hunger hormones like ghrelin and leptin which impact on appetite, said the researchers.


Stephen Daniells, Nutra Ingredients.com, July 21, 2009.
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Catherine's Comment
by Catherine Ebeling, RN BSN

Cahterine Ebeling

Have you looked at kids lately? Really looked? It's a sad story, but many, many kids are overweight these days. It's the slender kid who now stands out in the crowd of pudgy and overweight kids. Its not 'baby fat' anymore, and these kids will probably not outgrow the 'chubby' stage.

Sad to say, many of these kids are on their way to a lifetime of weight problems, obesity, heart disease, inflammatory diseases, diabetes and cancer. For the first time ever, the life expectancy of our kids is shorter than our own!

What has happened? Let's take a look at the way food has changed in the last 20-30 years first. With the change in the food pyramid, everyone rushed to the high carb, high grain foods that were supposed to be so healthy for us. Along with the high carb foods was 'fat-free' products and the resulting high sugar content. As if that weren't enough on its own, then came high fructose corn syrup and the push to get it in everything. And it is!

Food choices have come full circle and the realization with two-thirds of the country either overweight or obese, is that the food pyramid is wrong! High carb means high sugar, and high sugar has become the fat storing signal to the body. High fructose corn syrup pushed that envelope even further with its ability to skyrocket the blood sugar and the result is more fat storage.

What are kids eating these days? Well, for one, it's a lot of convenience foods and snack foods. And two, it's a lot of soda--full of high fructose corn syrup. Sports drinks and energy drinks rank right up there too, and they are full of sugar, excess salt and caffeine. Recent statistics show that more kids drink soda with their dinners now than milk.

So sugar, sugary drinks, high fructose corn syrup, and high blood sugar are the beginning of this story.

The wrong fats add into this equation as well. People have been told that saturated fat is bad, cholesterol is bad, and we have been pushed towards vegetable oils as being the healthiest. Not so. Vegetable oils are full of omega 6 fats and further tip the already out of whack ratio of omega 3...


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Dr. Al Sears M.D.
Dr. Al Sears
By Al Sears, MD

The drugs doctors use for diseases of your nervous system don't work very well. And they probably won't tell you that combining two simple nutrients could halt or at least slow the effects of two of the most common ones, Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases.

A new animal study published in the Journal of Neurochemistry shows that taking CoQ10 and creatine blocks the loss of dopamine in the brain (a hallmark of Parkinson's disease), protects cell membranes (they leak with age), and reduces oxidative damage.  

In mice with Huntington's, it improved motor skills and even extended their life.

If the study results apply to humans, this special potion of nutrients and antioxidants has the potential to become a "dynamic duo" for brain health.

Even if you don't have these diseases, you can safely take CoQ10 and creatine to protect yourself.  
Using this duo each day may be a real brain booster. By following these simple guidelines, you can combine CoQ10 and creatine to improve your mental sharpness. It may be one of the simplest and smartest things you do for your brain.
CoQ10 protects every organ in your body, especially your brain. Brain levels of CoQ10 start to decline in your 20s and are lowest in stroke victims and those with brain and nerve cell diseases, such as Parkinson's and Huntington's. So it makes sense that getting more CoQ10 could help combat these diseases.

The best food source is red meat--but make sure that it is grass-fed. Grass-fed beef  contains more CoQ10 than any other meat on the planet. But it is still hard to get enough CoQ10 from your diet alone.

I recommend taking 50 mg of ubiquinol CoQ10 daily. The ubiquinol form is 8 times more powerful and stays in your bloodstream longer than conventional CoQ10.

Creatine improves short-term mental performance. You may think of it only as the stuff that bulks up pro athletes and bodybuilders. But creatine is an important ingredient for memory and the brain's other functions. A 2003 study found that it improved mental performance, especially in the short-term.

Your body--primarily the liver--makes creatine naturally. You can also get it from foods like grass-fed beef, fish and apples. For every 2 lbs. of beef you eat, you will gain 5 grams of creatine.

The amount you should take is related to body weight and gender. See the table below for dosage guidelines.

Creatine Loading and Maintenance
Lean Body    Loading dose     Mntnce dose   Loading dose    Mntnce
Mass            gms-men          gms-men        gms-women     gms-w
80                      9                   3                  6                    2
100                    11                 3.5                 8                   2.5
120                    14                 4.5               10                   3
140                    16                  5                 11.5                3.5
160                    18                  6                 13                   4
180                    20                 6.5               14.5                4.5
200                    22.5               7                 16                    5
220                    25                  8                 17.5                 6

Source: The Colgan Institute, San Diego.

Take the loading dose daily for 10 days. Then continue with the maintenance dose. Be sure to avoid taking your creatine with your morning caffeine as they do not interact well.

To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD

Yang L et al. Combination therapy with coenzyme Q10 and creatine produces additive neuroprotective effects in models of Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases. J Neurochem. 2009 Jun;109(5):1427-39.


Dr. Al Sears, M.D. is a board-certified clinical nutrition specialist. His practice, Dr. Sears' Health & Wellness Center in Royal Palm Beach, Fla., specializes in alternative medicine. He is the author of seven books in the fields of alternative medicine, anti-aging, and nutritional supplementation, including The Doctor's Heart Cure. To get his free special report on the proven anti-aging strategies for building a vibrant, disease-free life, go here now. You'll learn how to stop Father Time without giving up the foods you love.


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Shane Ellison M.S.
shane ellison

By Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) has been considered the master antioxidant. It is unique in that, unlike any other antioxidant, ALA is both fat and water soluble; thereby allowing it to operate in all environments in the body.

ALA inhibits the "hydroxyl radical." The hydroxyl radical is considered to be the most damaging of the free radicals due to its ability to initiate heart disease.

Adding to the myriad of benefits, ALA regenerates (through redox cycling) other antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E, thus helping to prevent a deficiency in any one of these vital nutrients.

ALA also maintains and even increases our bodies' own antioxidant: glutathione. Glutathione's best attribute is its ability to protect us from cancer.  Glutathione is the chief detoxifier for the human body. Through a process known as "conjugation" it attaches to deadly chemicals and escorts them out of the body and into the toilet.

No other antioxidant confers so many benefits to users.  The best natural sources of ALA are spinach, broccoli, and grass fed beef.

To Your Health,

TPC Staff

[Ed. Note: Shane Ellison's entire career has been dedicated to the study of molecules - how they give life and how they take from it. He was a two-time recipient of the prestigious Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Grant for his research in biochemistry and physiology. He is a best selling author, holds a master's degree in organic chemistry, and has first-hand experience in drug design. Take advantage of his knowledge and insights to look and feel your best in 90 days.]

...See Stinky Sulfur Awards at


Use Shane's knowledge and insight to look and feel your best in 90 days by clicking HERE:

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Dr. Eric Serrano M.D., M.S., B.C.
Eric Seranno
Dear Dr. Serrano,
What can I take naturally to decrease my triglycerides?  I eat very little red meat and try to eat more fish, grains, lentils, etc.

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and am taking Enbrel and Arava with a question of being in remission.  Have had it 10-12 years. 

I am also taking medicine for Diabetes. My A1c last was 6.5. I am doing well (except when I get terribly stressed).

My triglycerides seem to stay up...........the Dr wants to give me another medication but I refused.  I want to take care of this naturally if I possibly can.

Dear J:

Triglycerides have three sources: sugar or carbohydrates from the diet;  low thyroid; or high fat dairy creams and cheeses. You have diabetes which keeps your blood sugar high and this is most likely keeping your triglycerides elevated.

I am going to make some recommendations, and I warrant you are going to get better, but before you implement the guidelines, check with your physician.

Here are my recommendations:

1-Eliminate grains
2-Concentrate on organic eggs, grass fed meats, free range chicken, and no  cheese or dairy at all
3-Absolutely no wheat at all with your history of RA
4-Lower fruit intake to once a day
5-Eat more nuts. Peanuts are not nuts, so eat real nuts.
6-Vegetables should be a huge part of your diet
7-Add supplements like chromium, vitamin D, gymnemma sylvestre,  vanadium and  cinnamon
8-Have two tablespoons of vinegar three times a day
9- Do this for two weeks and recheck your blood, and see how your RA feels

Dr. Eric Serrano, M.D.


This is a friendly reminder to email health and wellness questions to the email address below for Dr. Eric Serrano M.D. question and answer series. Please place Dr. Serrano's name in the subject line for quicker processing.

Answers will appear in future issues of the Newsletter and News Alert. Your full name will not be displayed. Dr. Serrano has been so kind to offer his expertise to literally any question related to health and wellness involving grass-fed meats.

Dr. Serrano has a wealth of knowledge from both his farm background, 15 years of clinical experience and an award-winning professor at Ohio State Medical School. Dr. Serrano has an outstanding family practice on the outskirts of Columbus, Ohio and works with a select group of professional athletes.

Dr. Eric Serrano M.D.
With advanced degrees in nutrition, kinesiology and wellness
475 North Hill Road
Pickerington, OH  43147-1157

EMAIL QUESTIONS TO: eathealthy@grasslandbeef.com

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Athlete Corner - Scott Mendelson Q&A
scott mendelson small
Need A Training Lift?
By: Scott Mendelson

Scott, I have to get ready for my Daughter's wedding in mid September and I am far away from my fat loss goals.  What training approach would you suggest for someone with a lot of experience who needs to drop 10-15Lbs?  Can I just do the training routines by feel each day and make good progress?  Mike phoenix


losing 10-15 lbs of body fat in 5-6 weeks is certainly possible, but only if training, nutrition, supplementation and rest are all correctly put together.  You will need a training routine that activates fat burning hormones by packing more work into gradually less time.  This can be accomplished by strategically chopping down rest periods each week while upping the intensity.  Apply these strategies to both weight training and interval sprints such as the 10 minute workout mentioned in this column a couple weeks ago.

Increase Intensity for Accelerated Fat Loss

Intensity is the amount of loading used per rep for the purposes of this article and on average a majority of trainees are not scratching the surface of their potential in this area.  Despite popular belief, one of the fastest ways to improve body composition is to increase intensity on a weekly basis, but this requires a level of focus and discomfort that some are not willing to put forth until they realize the importance.

Improve Each Week

You should aim to improve weight loads while maintaining proper form, tempo and following rest periods each week.  Even a small weekly increase such as 2.5 lbs can add up to a significant amount over a 4 week routine.  Have a mind set of breaking records from the prior week and keeping accurate training records is a vital element of the process.    

Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail

No, you cannot go by feel each day and make the best rate of progress.  Very rarely do I come across people who successfully design their own training routines.   We are a society over loaded with information while being strapped for time and navigating the best routine to use is nearly impossible for the average person.  Unfortunately, a majority of trainees do not have a written program and simply "wing" it in the gym.  This is the fastest path to nowhere since this mind set does not promote logical progressions.  

An appropriate plan for your specific needs and goals is crucial for success.  Remember that there must be a method of progression built into the routines to support continued progress.  This is one of the reasons why my new consultation clients see such rapid progress- finally they have a well designed routine in place after years of spinning their wheels.  Most of the new clients I come across were not falling short of their goals due to a lack of effort, but due to poor strategies adapted from magazines or the Internet.  

Think of it this way, there is a myth involving a young boy who lifts a baby bull over his head every day as a part of his exercise routine.  The bull grows very quickly forcing the body to adopt different techniques to be able to continue his daily routine.  This boy turns into a man- Lean and Strong- able to hoist the bull over head even at full size.  Over time the greatest indicator of survival and ultimately success is not brute strength, but the ability to adapt to evolving conditions.  

17 Rapid Fat Loss Tips- Dr. Serrano and I compiled this list not long ago and it contains several simple nutrition tools put to work by many thousands since the start of the year.  Email Scott@infinityfitness.com for your complimentary copy.

Hi, I am Scott Mendelson, and I am here to help deliver solutions to all of your exercise challenges in 2009 and beyond!

An Internet Training and nutrition consulting pioneer, Scott has been helping clients ranging from weekend warriors to professional athletes since 1999.  See more about Scott's credentials here.

Watch Scott explain the Super Station Training Chest and Back routine demonstrated by Natural Pro Todd Buchanan.

To say the least, grassland beef goes quickly in the Mendelson House with filets, flank, minute steaks and burgers being the favorites.

"My goal is to not only reach more people in 2009, but help them get to their goals in the fastest possible time frame using the best techniques for their unique needs" 

Infinity Fitness INC provides training, fitness, and nutritional information for educational purposes. It is important that you consult with a health professional to ensure that your dietary and health needs are met. It is necessary for you to carefully monitor your progress and to make changes to your nutritional and fitness program to enjoy success.

Infinity Fitness does not employ dieticians or health professionals and assumes no responsibility or liability for your personal health and condition. For more information regarding our Limited Warranty for products and services, please see our disclaimer at InfinityFitness.com.

Email new questions for Scott Mendelson via: eathealthy@grasslandbeef.com
Be sure to place Scott Mendelson in the subject line.

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What Our Customers Are Saying

Greetings John,

I do have to tell you a short story concerning your braunsweiger

This past Saturday, I was having a braunsweiger sandwich when my girl friend stopped over...when she came in, she saw the package and went to read the ingredients list, (VERY IMPORTANT!!!) she then proceeded to make herself a sandwich...after a few bites, she commented to me she knew what she wanted for her birthday, and when I inquired, she replied, "some tubes of this braunsweiger."

Laughing, I responded if I bought her that for "her day" I might be introduced to a frozen stick of meat right across the noggin. 

"Nope, came the retort, "this stuff is really, really good--and check the ingredients--WOW!" 

So there you have it--Braunsweiger over Chocolates!!!!  How's that for a testimony??  Her birthday is in August--I will be ordering before then!!!

San Luis Obispo, CA
Recipe Corner
Grilled Herb and Garlic Loin Chops
canton cattle 090710

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes

  •     4 lamb loin chops
  •     1/4 cup olive oil
  •     1 tablespoon fresh thyme, chopped
  •     1 tablespoon fresh basil, chopped
  •     2 teaspoons fresh rosemary, chopped
  •     2 cloves garlic, minced
  •     zest of 1 lemon
  •     1 teaspoon salt
  •     1/4 teaspoon black pepper

  • Combine olive oil, thyme, basil, rosemary, garlic, lemon zest, salt and pepper in a bowl.
  • Dip lamb chops into mixture to coat evenly. Cover chops and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
  • Preheat grill. Place lamb chops on grill over a medium high heat. Grill about 5 minutes per side.
  • Chops should be browned on both sides.  
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   August 1, 2009 - Near Monticello, Missouri

A herd of US Wellness Meats cattle stops to pose for the camera before moving into fresh pasture.


$25 Discount for 40lb. Increments

Do not forget to take advantage of the 40 pound $25 discount by ordering 40 pound combinations of beef, lamb, pork, butter, goat, shrimp, bison, condiments, honey, rabbit, single item chicken selections, snack foods, pet food, and raw cheese.

This is our way of saying thank you for purchasing in volume. This can be any combination of products totaling 40 pounds and does not have to be specific to any category. Each 40 pound interval will yield the discount. For example, 80 pounds of product will yield a $50 discount and a 120 pound purchase will yield a $75 discount.

Minimum Purchase Rules

U.S. Wellness requires a $75 minimum purchase and a 7 pound minimum combined purchase of beef, lamb, pork, nutraceuticals, gourmet rabbit, grass-fed goat, grass-fed bison, raw cheese, single piece poultry, and butter.

The minimum is required since we have built the cost of shipping into the price of the product.  You will only see a nominal handling at checkout.

The issue is the 20 pound bulk chicken and turkeys  originate from separate cold storage center where those products are produced. It is not efficient to ship one package of beef as a stand alone item when the balance of the order originates 400 miles away.

The shopping cart will keep track and remind you if you are under the 7 pound limit for a combination of beef, lamb, pork, raw cheese, butter, goat, shrimp, soap and single honey bottle purchases. A Red font will appear under the shopping cart if you are under the minimum price or pound requirements.

Customer Change Contact Info Link

Need to change your address information or remove yourself from our customer newsletter? Click here. After opening, enter your email address and store password and you will be able to edit your customer file.

Confidentiality Guarantee:

We at U.S. Wellness Meats do not sell, trade or give away any subscriber information. This isn't just an ethical commitment, it's also a legal one.

Copyright © 2009 by U.S. Wellness Meats and Catherine Ebeling. All rights reserved. The content, design and graphical elements of this newsletter are copyrighted.

Please secure written permission of the authors before copying or using this material. Address: caebeling@earthlink.net or eathealthy@grasslandbeef.com

John Wood
U.S. Wellness Meats

Toll Free: (877) 383.0051

On Sale Items
short ribs
The following delicious sale items will expire at 10 PM CST August 15, 2009.

Back to School Sampler
- 14.5 pounds of school specials

- 1 pound package

Box 66
- 25 packages short ribs

Ground Veal
- 1 pound package

Ground Chicken
- 1 pound package



Wild Caught Shrimp
- 1 pound package

Ground Pork
- 1 pound package

Beef Bologna
- 1 pound package

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Quick Links




Grass-fed Steaks

Pastured Veal

Beef Jerky

Nitrite Free Franks


Pemmican & Snack Sticks


Burger & Patties

Beef Organ Meats

Warm & Serve Entrees

Beef Roasts

Marrow and Tallow

Brisket, Ribs & Stew

Fresh Beef

Free Range Poultry

Organic Butter

Amish Cheese

Amish Goat Cheese

Certified Humane Pork

Grass-fed Lamb

Raw Honey

Gift Certificates

Natural Laundry Soap


Gourmet Rabbit

Pet Food

Grass-fed Goat

Organic Snacks

Grass-fed Bison

Wild Caught Shrimp



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U.S. Wellness Meats | P.O. Box 9 | Monticello | MO | 63457-9704