U.S. Wellness Meats Newsletter
Happy New Year! Steak Sales, New Fish, Organ Sausages Re-stock, 15% Discount Code
December 27, 2009 Monticello, Missouri | |
Dear John,
![USWM Logo](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs041/1101181723868/img/18.gif?a=1102900416327) We hope everyone reading this weekend had a blessed and relaxing Christmas holiday, and is ready for a Happy New Year! There are several steak selections that are on sale this week - perfect for New Year's Eve celebration grilling.
During this last week of 2009 we would again like to thank our customers for another year of dedicated patronage. We truly enjoy being able to provide grass-fed products and would not have been able to do it for the last 10 years without your support. Thank You!
Due to the New Year's Day holiday on Friday, please have all orders in by Tuesday, December 29 by 10:00 a.m. CST to ensure delivery by New Year's. Late orders shipping on Wednesday run the risk of not being delivered until the following Monday, due to the holiday.
There will be no shipments of South Carolina Free Range 20 lb. chicken orders this week. Shipping will resume as usual on Tuesday, January 5.
Our seafood selection is growing again, in addition to the new Pacific Blue Mussels and Alaskan Sablefish, we are now offering a second version of our popular Portugese Sardines - Portugese Sardines in Spring Water, instead of in Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Visit our Sustainable Wildcaught Seafood page for a full listing of our wildcaught seafood.
Don't forget about the upcoming Fresh Chilled Beef order deadline this Friday, January 1 at 12:00 noon CST. Please have all orders for Fresh Chilled Beef in by then to ensure shipping on January 6, instead of the next shipping date of February 3.
Best wishes for a safe and happy New Year's!
Thankful Regards,
John, LeeAnn, Megan, Tressa, and Jennifer on behalf of the farm families of US Wellness Meats.
Toll Free: (877) 383-0051 Direct Line: (573) 767-9040 Fax: (573) 767-5475 URL: www.uswellnessmeats.com Email: eathealthy@grasslandbeef.com Blog: http://blog.grasslandbeef.com Twitter: http://twitter.com/uswellnessmeats Facebook: HERE Newsletter Archive:HERE New Products: HERE
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Breaking News Notes
New Selections:
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Don't forget to look for the special promo code hidden in the text for a one time only 15% discount off your next purchase. Code will be active Sunday through Tuesday this week.
The 7 red letters (in sequence) are in the extended articles in this issue and will spell out a string that can be used in the 'promo code' area when you are placing your order. The letters will begin within Catherine Ebeling article after you open the complete article by clicking the link at the bottom of the article. Remaining clues might be in subsequent sections of the newsletter.
This code only applies on orders weighing under 40 pounds and excludes all sale items. Your order receipt will not show a credit. The code simply changes prices on your receipt page in spread sheet format. Compare receipt to retail store prices if you question the discount. ............................................................................
Longer Life Tied to Protein Intake, Not Just Calorie Restriction
Getting the correct balance of proteins in our diet may be more important for healthy ageing than reducing calories, so says research funded by the Wellcome Trust and Research into Ageing suggests.
The research may help explain why 'dietary restriction' (also known as calorie restriction) - reducing food intake while maintaining sufficient quantities of vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients - appears to have health benefits. In many organisms, such as the fruit fly (drosophila), mice, rats, and the Rhesus monkey, these benefits include living longer. Evidence suggests that dietary restriction can have health benefits for humans, too, though it is unclear whether it can increase longevity.
Dietary restriction can however, have the side effect of diminished fertility. This is believed to be an evolutionary trait: in times of famine, essential nutrients are diverted away from reproduction and towards survival.
To understand whether the health benefits of dietary restriction stem from a reduction in specific nutrients or in calorie intake in general, researchers at the Institute of Healthy Ageing, UCL (University College London), measured the effects of manipulating the diet of female fruit flies. The results of the study are published in the journal Nature.
The researchers found that varying the amount of amino acids in the mixture affected lifespan and fertility; varying the amount of the other nutrients had little or no effect.
Surprisingly, researchers found that levels of a particular amino acid known as methionine were most crucial to maximising lifespan without decreasing fertility. Adding methionine to a low calorie diet boosted fertility without reducing lifespan; likewise, reducing methionine content in a high calorie diet prolonged lifespan. Previous studies have also shown that reducing the intake of methionine in rodents can help extend lifespan.
"By carefully manipulating the balance of amino acids in the diet, we have been able to maximise both lifespan and fertility," explains Dr Matthew Piper, one of the study authors. "This indicates that it is possible to extend lifespan without wholesale dietary restriction and without the unfortunate consequence of lowering reproductive capacity."
Amino acids are the building blocks of life as they form the basis of proteins. Methionine is one of the most important amino acids as it is essential to the formation of all proteins. Proteins are formed naturally in the body, and proteins come from many different food types, including meat and dairy products, and non-animal sources. The relative abundance of methionine differs depending on the food type in question; it occurs in naturally high levels in foods such as fish, meats, Brazil nuts, wheat germ, and sesame seeds.
In the past, we have tended to think that the amount of protein is what is important to our diet. However it is the balance of amino acids in the diet can affect health later in life. If this is the case for humans, then the type of protein will be far more important.
Although the human genome has around four times the number of genes as the fruit fly genome, there is a close relationship between many of these genes. Since it is easy to create mutants and carry out experiments on fruit flies, the functions of many fly genes have been established and newly discovered human genes can often be matched against their fly counterparts. Therefore, even though the fruit fly does not on the surface resemble humans, many findings about its basic biology can be interpreted for human biology.
Source: Craig Brierley, Wellcome Trust and Research, Medical News Today. 12/03/09. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/172866.php
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Catherine's Comment by Catherine Ebeling, RN BSN
Stay Healthy and Lean During the Holidays
The holidays are upon us, and the temptations abound. Sweets, chocolates, yummy Christmas baked goodies, breads, cookies, cocktails, cheeses, hors' d'oeuvres, dinners, brunches, desserts, eggnog and on and on.
Yes, we all tend to indulge and pay for it later-after the holidays are over and the pounds are piling up. But its not too late to try to eat healthy this holiday season and avoid some of the weight gain and the guilt, while still indulging (a little) and enjoying the taste treats of the season. Some of the holiday treats we enjoy are actually good for us. Let's take a look at some of these:
Butter: Butter is a completely natural food that is essential to your health, especially when you eat organic, grass-fed butter. It is high in vitamins, minerals and other power-packed nutrients. Look at some of the other benefits of REAL grass-fed butter:
· Butter contains conjugated linoleic acid, (CLA), a powerful fat burner, muscle builder, anti-cancer agent, and immunity booster. · Butter contains the essential fatty acid, Arachidonic Acid which is an important muscle building and fat burning compound. · Butter is a great source of vitamin A. Butter contains the most easily absorbable form of vitamin A, which among other things is good for thyroid and adrenal health, both of which are essential to fat burning and energy. · Grass-fed butter contains an essential vitamin K2, essential in getting calcium in the bones and maintaining arterial health. · Butter contains high levels of vitamin D which aids in absorption of calcium, strengthening the immune system, and overall feelings of wellbeing. · Raw grass-fed butter contains a substance called the "Wulzen Factor," or "anti-stiffness factor," discovered by researcher Rosalind Wulzen. This compound protects against degenerative arthritis, hardening of the arteries, cataracts, and calcification of the pineal gland. The Wulzen Factor is not present in the dairy products available in supermarkets, as it is destroyed by pasteurization. · Butter contains the vital mineral selenium, which is a powerful cancer-fighting nutrient. · Butter contains iodine in highly absorbable form--highly recommended for adequate thyroid function and fat metabolism. · Butter is a good source of lauric acid, important for your immune system, and also in treating fungal infections. · Butter contains lecithin, which is essential for brain function and cholesterol metabolism.
The bottom line is that if you're deciding whether to use butter or margarine, you're ALWAYS better off using butter, as it is a real food with real benefits compared to the "fake food" margarine. Keep in mind that even grass-fed butter still is a highly concentrated source of calories, so be aware of controlling your portion sizes. However, since butter gives you nutrition that your body needs, it will help to reduce appetite and cravings, hence helping to control your caloric intake.
Cranberries: A cousin of the blueberry, this very tart, bright red berry can still be found growing wild as a shrub, but when cultivated, is grown on low trailing vines in great sandy bogs.
Cranberries have long been valued for their ability to help prevent and treat urinary tract infections. Now, recent studies suggest that this Native American berry may also promote gastrointestinal and oral health, prevent the formation of kidney stones, lower LDL and raise HDL (good) cholesterol, aid in recovery from stroke, and even help prevent cancer...
Check out foods that can help you burn fat in The Fat Burning Kitchen; Your 24-hour Diet Transformation to Make Your Body A Fat Burning Machine. Catherine and best-selling internet author of The Truth About Abs Mike Geary, have teamed up to help you burn fat effectively and eat the most nutrition-packed foods in the process. Change your kitchen and transform your body! |
Dr. Al Sears M.D.
This Modern "Health Food" May Be Poisoning Prisoners
By Al Sears, MDDear Readers, Have you heard what's going on in our prison system? If not, you're in for a shocker. Turns out, the prisoners are suing their jailers. In January 2003, the diet of inmates in the Illinois prison system was drastically changed to include large amounts of processed soy protein. Soy replaced cheese, meat and flour in the prisoner's diets. When their diet changed, the inmates got seriously ill with chronic and painful constipation, alternating with debilitating diarrhea. Sharp digestive pains and vomiting occurred after soy-based meals. Fainting, heart palpitations, and panic attacks were common. Skin rashes, acne, thyroid problems, brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, frequent infections, and depression were also present.1 But the Illinois Department of Corrections ignored the prisoners' complaints. It also ignored the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) listing of close to 200 studies showing toxicity of soy in its Poisonous Plant Data Base.2 Now the inmates are suing for a permanent injunction against the substitution of soy for meat in prison meals.
For Years You've Been Hearing About The "Miraculous" Benefits Of Soy-Based Products
In 1999, the FDA endorsed soy protein as a way to lower saturated fats and cholesterol in the American diet, leading to an explosion in the food industry's use of soy-based products. But beneath all the soy-health hoopla, I've found studies strongly suggesting that many of these products pose a number of serious health risks.
Today I'm going to tell you which soy-based products to avoid-and why. I'll also give you a few simple guidelines for eliminating them from your diet and replacing them with healthy alternatives.
The Dangerous Realities Behind the "Soy Revolution"
In the January 2006 issue of the journal Circulation, the American Heart Association announced that soy has little effect on cholesterol and is unlikely to prevent heart disease.3 This doesn't mean that all types of soy are unhealthy. But it proves that soy isn't the "miracle food" the FDA and the food industry would have you believe.
Soy-based products are everywhere. And that's a problem. You may not realize it, but soy crops up in unexpected places. It's in your fridge and cupboard - from ice cream and yogurt to pasta and cereal. Not to mention the frying oil used in fast food.
How did this happen?
After FDA approval, the food industry jumped on the soy bandwagon in a big way. By 2004, 80 percent of all vegetables oils were derived from soy, and nearly all processed foods now contain some form of it.
Here are 5 surprising facts you may not know about soy:
- Soy and Indigestion
The problems start with the soybean itself. In raw form, it's poisonous to the human body. In fact, eating raw soy can cause stomachaches, nausea, cramping, and gas. Other soy ingredients prevent the body from absorbing essential minerals. Ironically, soy also makes it more difficult for the body to digest protein, the very thing soy was supposed to provide as an alternative to meat protein.
- Soy and Hormonal Imbalance
Even more serious, soybeans contain substances called "isoflavones" that mimic estrogen, the female hormone. Eating enough soy can disrupt a woman's menstrual cycle. One researcher calculated that, based on body weight, feeding your baby exclusively on soy formula is like giving it five birth control pills a day!4
- Soy, Gout, and Thyroid Problems
As if that weren't enough, there's a chemical in soy that can cause gout and thyroid enlargement. Eating as little as 45 grams of soy products a day can cause thyroid malfunction within 3 months in healthy adult men and women.5
- Soy, Cancer and Harmful Fats
Soy causes cancer in animal studies.6 (By the way, soy makes its way into most industrial animal feed, which means it's also making its way to your table.) It's also high in omega-6 fatty acids-up to 18% of the whole bean. This is the kind of fat you're supposed to reduce in your diet.
- Soy and Blood Clotting
Another chemical in soy makes red blood cells cluster together. Among other dangers, this prevents the body from absorbing oxygen....
Dr. Al Sears, M.D. is a board-certified clinical nutrition specialist. His practice, Dr. Sears' Health & Wellness Center in Royal Palm Beach, Fla., specializes in alternative medicine. He is the author of seven books in the fields of alternative medicine, anti-aging, and nutritional supplementation, including The Doctor's Heart Cure. To get his free special report on the proven anti-aging strategies for building a vibrant, disease-free life, go here now. You'll learn how to stop Father Time without giving up the foods you love. ![Forward to a Friend](http://www.uswellnessmeats.com/source/images/forward.jpg) |
Shane Ellison, M.S.
Sugar Addiction (Or How I Got So Fat)
During the holidays it is often hard to follow our healthy diets - especially when we are tempted with holiday treats everywhere we go. We splurge more than usual at the end of the year and vow to follow New Years Resolutions to eat better and healthier. The following excerpt from Over-The-Counter Natural Cures by Shane Ellison, explains the deadly sugar addiction and why we should continue to avoid sugar, even during the holidays. _____________________________________________
As adults, most of us have ignored the warning not to eat sugar. We usually pay more attention to how many calories or grams of fat we put into our body. This was my deadly mistake.
Most low-calorie and low-fat foods are loaded with sugar or "sugar mimics." These include sucrose, fructose, glucose, high-fructose corn syrup, monosodium glutamate (MSG), hydrolyzed proteins, trans fat, and milk sugars such as lactose and maltose - what I call grocery-store fat traps.
Looking at my own eating habits, I was shocked to learn that I was consuming sugar every time I put something into my mouth. Whether I was drinking a "sports drink", eating a "health food" bar, enjoying a bagel, or even lunching on Campbell's soup, I was consuming some type of detrimental sugar that was causing my body to hold fat rather than burn it. This was the obesity link I was looking for. My fat gain had nothing to do with excess calories or too many grams of bad fat. Instead, it had everything to do with grocery-store fat traps and their detrimental effect on my blood sugar and insulin levels.
Insulin is the nutrient taxi. When you consume sugar, carbohydrates, and protein, your pancreas releases the hormone into your bloodstream to escort blood sugar (AKA blood glucose) and other nutrients into the muscle cells to be used for fuel and revitalization. This keeps us alive and energized. Too much insulin, however, can be detrimental.
Grocery-store fat traps and processed foods that contain massive amounts of simple carbohydrates (anything served out of a window, package, or box) elicit the drastic release of insulin. This sets a metabolic nightmare into motion.
Surging insulin levels tell the body to store fat and instead use glucose (blood sugar) for fuel. That process cripples fat metabolism by shutting off our God-given rights to be thin - lypolysis and thermogenesis.
Lipolysis is the conversion of fat to work. Thermogenesis is the conversion of fat to heat. Both processes ensure that you walk, not waddle, through life. Without them, fat is stored - typically in the abdomen - and is unable to be used for energy. The fat-promoting phenomena of insulin explain why attempts to lose fat via exercise and trendy diets are usually only successful short term. Fat loss is simply being "blocked" by excess insulin. But that's not all. The metabolic nightmare also causes hormonal systems that regulate muscle growth, sex drive, appetite, mood, energy, and even fertility to be thrown out of whack.
This metabolic nightmare is usually secured long-term by a sugar addiction that accompanies excess insulin. This explains why many people who are obese or suffer from type 2 diabetes feel helpless when it comes to fat gain. They are being driven by a sugar addiction that is conducive to fat gain day in and day out.
To read further, see the Chapter 10: Defy Obesity and Diabetes Fast in Over-The-Counter Natural Cures by Shane Ellison, M.S. ________________________________________
Editors Note: Shane Ellison's entire career has been dedicated to the study of molecules - how they give life and how they take from it. He was a two-time recipient of the prestigious Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Grant for his research in biochemistry and physiology. He is a best selling author, holds a master's degree in organic chemistry, and has first-hand experience in drug design. Take advantage of his knowledge and insights to look and feel your best in 90 days.
Dr. Eric Serrano M.D., M.S., B.C.
![Eric Seranno](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs041/1101181723868/img/70.jpg?a=1102900416327) Dear Dr. Serrano,
I just love love grass-fed meat and eat it daily. I am slim (5'3" and weight fluctuates between 105 in spring and warmer months to around 112 in the cold winter), mid-40s but premenopausal, and I have several uterine fibroids -- the largest is about the size of an orange and I can feel it through my stomach. They are not causing heavy bleeding but are causing constipation, nausea, pressure, and back ache. The acupuncturist I saw today specializes in gynocological issues and was trained in China. Her credentials seem impeccible and has an excellent reputation in NYC. She was shocked that I eat red meat daily and said that red meat "feeds" fibroids and that I should only eat it at most 1-2 times per week. I tried to explain that I eat a low-carb paleoish style diet and red meat is the center of my meals - I'm not sure she understood what I was talking about. She suggested fish, chicken and eggs as alternatives but although I like them ok - nothing satisfies like red meat. I have hypothyroid and don't eat soy. I do love oily fish - but wouldn't want it every day. I don't eat dairy products generally other than butter.
Do you have any thoughts as to the purported red meat/fibroid connection? I've searched on the internet but have not found anything other than claimed associations. Most Americans who eat red meat also eat tons of starch and sugar with it - also they eat feed-lot meats. So I do not believe these associations would apply to me. I probably sound like a grass-fed meat addict - can't do without my daily fix. The only thing I can think of is that perhaps the high iron in meat could spur fibroid growth - but that is just a wild guess.
My stored ferritin is high end of normal - but I haven't given blood because I weigh less than the 110 pound weight limit most of the year. It goes up briefly in the winter, then comes back down. Maybe I should donate after I fatten up a bit for WInter.
Do you have any thoughts or suggestions for a grass-fed meat addict with fibroids?? I eat curry and turmeric daily. I also use supplements - multi (contains 800 mcg folic acid), extra Vitamin E, extra tocotrienals, r-lipoic acid, ubiquinol, Vitamin D3 and some additional Vitamin A. I drink organic coffee and all manner of tea - green, white, oolong and organic cocoa powder. My diet includes loads of green veggies and also maitake/shitake/baby bello mushrooms. Sometimes I add seaweed - but have to be careful because it seems to raise my thyroid antibodies. I eat small amounts of fruit occassionally. The idea of not eating meat every day would really kill the joy I have at meal time... A.Z. New York, Ny ____________________________________________
Dear A.Z.,
Congratulations on your awesome diet. Fibroids are abnormal growths of the uterus, usually fueled by estrogen. Your acupuncturist is partially right. The reason he is telling you to stay away from meats is because conventional meat is laden with estrogen and xenoestrogens, making the fibroid grow more.
You are consuming organic, so I don't see a problem. Although like everything else in life, nothing is written in stone, but because you are feeling better, I wouldn't stop it.
Now about your headaches, nausea and pressure. I don't think so, I am not going to accept that unless they are "active" fibroids, meaning they can make hormones. I am assuming you have had ultrasounds and hormonal testing including your progesterone, estradiol, estrone, and estriol and DHEA levels, and all of them are ok?
Check first these levels and also your thyroid, and start supplementing with Alpha omega-3, take 4 per day, with a meal, and also take digestive enzymes, 2-3 per meal. I recommend creon or ultrase or a reputable company like Klaire or Innate.
Adrienne, please check more in depth or make the changes above and see how you start feeling.
Best Wishes,
Dr. Serrano ____________________________________________________
This is a friendly reminder to email health and wellness questions to the email address below for Dr. Eric Serrano M.D. question and answer series. Please place Dr. Serrano's name in the subject line for quicker processing.
Answers will appear in future issues of the Newsletter and News Alert. Your full name will not be displayed. Dr. Serrano has been so kind to offer his expertise to literally any question related to health and wellness involving grass-fed meats.
Dr. Serrano has a wealth of knowledge from both his farm background, 15 years of clinical experience and an award-winning professor at Ohio State Medical School. Dr. Serrano has an outstanding family practice on the outskirts of Columbus, Ohio and works with a select group of professional athletes.
Dr. Eric Serrano M.D. With advanced degrees in nutrition, kinesiology and wellness 475 North Hill Road Pickerington, OH 43147-1157
EMAIL QUESTIONS TO: eathealthy@grasslandbeef.com
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Athlete Corner - Scott Mendelson Q&A
![scott mendelson small](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs041/1101181723868/img/236.jpg?a=1102900416327) Need A Training Lift? By: Scott Mendelson
New Year Resolution -Rapid Body Fat Loss for a March Beach Vacation
My wife and I are both eager to shed body fat starting Jan 1. What is the best training method for achieving the fastest possible results? We both need to lose 20-25 lbs of fat to get back to our ideal beach-going shape for a March vacation! We go to St. Thomas every year and last year we were both embarrassed to be in our bathing suits and swore we would never let that happen again. After months of trying we are getting nowhere fast. Help!
Oklahoma City, OK ___________________________________________
Every Exercise Session is a 48 Hour Fat Burning Opportunity
I have helped countless husband and wife teams rapidly reduce body fat with comprehensive New Year plans motivated by a set date to hit the beach. You can absolutely both lose a tremendous amount of body fat in 12 weeks. The methods used will depend on individual needs if I am building a customized routine. In general I would use a combination of weight training and interval routines to reduce body fat very quickly. You will sky rocket fat burning hormones and metabolic rate by using the correct methods which typically involve high work volumes in a short period of time. Think of every exercise session as an opportunity not only to burn fat during the workout, but to increase the rate of fat burning for the next 48 hours by optimizing several factors. The greater the level of effort, the faster the results come!
Burn 2.5-3 times More Fat than Joe Average Every Time you TRAIN!
During many years of surveying new clients and thousands of random gym goers I discovered that 90% are simply exercising, which to me is going through several exercise routines to break a sweat over a period of 40 minutes or so. Those who earn great success "train" which means they execute a program designed to earn a specific result. I am absolutely positive that my clients using an appropriately designed routine can be 2.5-3 times more productive for every 30 min of training vs. the average level of effort and routines performed by Joe average.
Below is an example routine of a lower body workout that would reflect a beginner level of body fat loss training. I have literally thousands of protocols at my disposal that are customized based on client needs. This routine may appear to be tough for someone who has not trained for a while, but using the right nutrition, supplementation and sleep plan will increase performance dramatically while supporting permanent body fat loss. I believe in taking a gradual approach to training intensity and volume otherwise overtraining will become a problem. Remember the routine below is not only designed to burn maximal calories during the session, but to also optimize fat burning for the next couple of days through several pathways. Inadequate rest increases fat burning hormones which govern progress!
Rapid Fat Burning Routine
Sets Reps Tempo Rest A1. Dynamic DB Lunge 3-4 6-8 3-1-x-0 10 A2. Static DB Lunge 3-4 6-8 3-2-1-0 60
B1. 1 leg Machine Hamstring Curl 3-4 6-8 3-1-1-1 10 B2. 2 leg Machine Hamstring Curl 3-4 6-8 3-1-1-2 60
C1. Body Weight Squats 3-4 12-15 4-2-1-0 10 C2. Floor Back Extensions 3-4 8-10 3-0-1-1 60
D1. Seated Calf Raise 2-3 8-10 3-2-1-1 10 D2. Standing Calf Raise 2-3 6-8 3-1-1-2 30
The New Year is here so time to make some goals. Do not settle for the same vague fat loss goals such has losing 20 lbs that you have had for the last several years and never achieved. For 2010 set out to achieve your goals by using the correct strategies and sustain the achievements permanently! Email Scott@infinityfitness.com for a complementary copy of the Goal Achievement Strategy Program. Do not forget to ask for the Zero Tolerance Fat Loss Nutrition Plan and the 10 minute interval fat burning workout.
Hi, I am Scott Mendelson, and I am here to help deliver solutions to all of your exercise challenges in 2009 and beyond!
To say the least, grassland beef goes quickly in the Mendelson House with filets, flank steak, minute steaks and burgers being the favorites. "My goal is to not only reach more people in 2009, but help them get to their goals in the fastest possible time frame using the best techniques for their unique needs" An Internet Training and nutrition consulting pioneer, Scott has been helping clients ranging from weekend warriors to professional athletes since 1999. See more about Scott's credentials here. Watch Scott explain the Super Station Training Chest and Back routine demonstrated by Natural Pro Todd Buchanan. Infinity Fitness INC provides training, fitness, and nutritional information for educational purposes. It is important that you consult with a health professional to ensure that your dietary and health needs are met. It is necessary for you to carefully monitor your progress and to make changes to your nutritional and fitness program to enjoy success. Infinity Fitness does not employ dieticians or health professionals and assumes no responsibility or liability for your personal health and condition. For more information regarding our Limited Warranty for products and services, please see our disclaimer at InfinityFitness.com.Email new questions for Scott Mendelson via: eathealthy@grasslandbeef.comBe sure to place Scott Mendelson in the subject line.
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What Our Customers Are Saying
Hi Folks,
I'm in Missouri so right now our weather is fairly cool unlike the hot, dog days of August. But the meat I received today, and in my previous order arrived in excellent shape. The items were packed well and were still frozen. The turkey (in a separate box) also looks good enough to eat. <grin> So I just wanted to send out a "job well done" (no pun intended) to you folks for all your good food and great service. I hope that you all, and your cattle, enjoy this holiday season. Sincerely a happy customer, R.C. Ballwin, MO |
Recipe Corner |
- 1 beef rib roast, bone removed (6 to 8 lb)
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 1.5 tsp lemon pepper
- 8 small red-skinned potatoes, cooked
- 8 boiling onions, cooked
- 8 carrots, cut into 2" pieces, cooked
- Heat oven to 350°F. Combine garlic and lemon pepper; press onto beef roast.
- Place roast, fat side up, in shallow roasting pan. Insert ovenproof meat thermometer so tip is centered in thickest part of beef, not resting in fat or touching bone. Do not add water or cover. Roast in 350°F oven 2-1/4 to 2-1/2 hours for medium rare; 2-3/4 to 3 hours for medium doneness.
- Remove roast when meat thermometer registers 135°F for medium rare; 150°F for medium. Let stand 15 minutes. (Temperature will rise to 145°F for medium rare; 160°F for medium.)
- Remove all but 2 Tbsp drippings from pan. Add vegetables; cook and stir over medium-high heat 5 minutes or until lightly browned. Carve roast; season with salt. Serve with vegetables.
8-10 Servings
Recipe compliments of The Beef Checkoff.
December 19, 2009 - Near Monticello, MO
![December Grazing](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs041/1101181723868/img/468.jpg?a=1102900416327)
Cattle enjoying new pasture on a clear December afternoon.
![December Grazing](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs041/1101181723868/img/469.jpg?a=1102900416327)
$25 Discount for 40lb. Increments
Do not forget to take advantage of the 40 pound $25 discount by ordering 40 pound combinations of beef, lamb, pork, butter, goat, shrimp, bison, condiments, honey, rabbit, single item chicken selections, snack foods, pet food, and raw cheese.
This is our way of saying thank you for purchasing in volume. This can be any combination of products totaling 40 pounds and does not have to be specific to any category. Each 40 pound interval will yield the discount. For example, 80 pounds of product will yield a $50 discount and a 120 pound purchase will yield a $75 discount.
Minimum Purchase Rules |
U.S. Wellness requires a $75 minimum
purchase and a 7 pound minimum combined purchase of
gourmet rabbit,
grass-fed goat,
grass-fed bison,
raw cheese,
single piece poultry, and
The minimum is required since we have built the cost of shipping into the price of the product. You will only see a nominal handling at checkout.
The issue is the 20 pound bulk chicken and turkeys originate from
separate cold storage center where those products are produced. It is not
efficient to ship one package of beef as a stand alone item when the balance of
the order originates 400 miles away.
The shopping cart will keep track and remind you if you are under the 7 pound
limit for a combination of beef, lamb, pork, raw cheese, butter, goat, shrimp,
soap and single honey bottle purchases. A
Red font will appear under the shopping
cart if you are under the minimum price or pound requirements.
Customer Change Contact Info Link |
Need to change your address information or remove yourself from our customer newsletter? Click here. After opening, enter your email address and store password and you will be able to edit your customer file. ______________________________________
Confidentiality Guarantee:
We at U.S. Wellness Meats do not sell, trade or give away any subscriber information. This isn't just an ethical commitment, it's also a legal one.
Copyright © 2009 by U.S. Wellness Meats and Catherine Ebeling. All rights reserved. The content, design and graphical elements of this newsletter are copyrighted.
Please secure written permission of the authors before copying or using this material. Address: caebeling@earthlink.net or eathealthy@grasslandbeef.com
Sincerely, John Wood U.S. Wellness Meats
Toll Free: (877) 383-0051
| |
On Sale Items |
![Fresh Steak Package](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs041/1101181723868/img/312.jpg?a=1102900416327) |
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