U.S. Wellness Meats Newsletter

Organ Meat Benefits, Sales & Recipe, Twitter Contest, Fat Burning Routines,
Cliffs Communities

October 4, 2009
Monticello, Missouri
Dear John,
canton cattle 090710

Are you eating the recommended 2 servings of seafood per week?  More importantly, are you eating the right kind of seafood?  Since October is National Seafood Month, we thought it was worth talking about. 

Fish, along with grass-fed beef, is one of the best sources of heart-healthy omega 3 fatty acids, which help to reduce the risk of heart disease, calm rheumatoid arthritis and alleviate depression.  Our Vital Choice seafood is sustainable wild-caught off the coast of Alaska, where the water is pure and does not contain any antibiotics or chemicals, which are commonly found in farmed fish. 
clairKids love Braunsweiger too!  Pictured at left is Claire, a member of our US Wellness family, devouring a plate of Braunsweiger.  She doesn't care how good it is for her, she just loves the taste!  Organ sausages are a delicious way to enjoy healthy organ nutrients. Did you know that organ meats are some of the most concentrated sources of essential nutrition?  Read Catherine's Comment below for more information about the many benefits of organ meats.  Now is the perfect time to try organ sausages, as our Liverwurst, Braunsweiger and Head Cheese are all on sale this week!

Thanks to all of our devoted readers who commented on last week's blog article: Better Than Soy Sauce, and congratulations to the lucky winners of the 15% discount code!  We are not huge fans of soy sauce, and were happy to learn that Fish Sauce is a healthy alternative.  Thanks also to readers who submitted many other helpful substitutions!

A new Twitter contest started this week!  Be sure and tweet us your thoughts for your chance to win a special US Wellness gift package, we love to hear from you!

Happy Seafood Month,

John, Lee Ann, Megan, Tressa and Jennifer on behalf of the farm families of U.S. Wellness Meats.    

Toll Free: (877) 383-0051
Direct Line: (573) 767-9040
Fax: (573) 767-5475
URL:  www.uswellnessmeats.com
Email: eathealthy@grasslandbeef.com
Blog: http://blog.grasslandbeef.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/uswellnessmeats
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In This Issue
Breaking News Notes

*Oxtails and 87% beef burger will arrive on Tuesday. Sorry for the delay.

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Don't forget to look for the special promo code hidden in the text for a one time only 15% discount off your next purchase. Code will be active Sunday through Tuesday
this week.

The 5 red letters (in sequence) are in the extended articles in this issue and will spell out a string that can be used in the 'promo code' area when you are placing your order. The letters will begin within Catherine Ebeling article after you open the complete article by clicking the link at the bottom of the article.  Remaining clues might be in subsequent sections of the newsletter.

This code only applies on orders weighing under 40 pounds and excludes all sale items
Your order receipt will not show a credit.  The code simply changes prices on your receipt page in spread sheet format. 

Compare receipt to retail store prices if you question the discount.

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Cliffs Communities Visit clubhouse

US Wellness Meats was honored to be featured in a recent Fireside Chat at the Cliffs Communities.  John traveled to Travelers Rest, SC to talk about sustainable farming, and why grass-fed beef is gaining popularity in wellness circles.

The wine pairing dinner featured US Wellness Meats Striploin (carpaccio style), Prime Rib of Beef and Filet Mignon prepared by Executive Chef Victor Carducci, and his outstanding staff.  Read more below, to learn more about Cliffs Communities.  

The Cliffs Communities- An Overview

Incorporated in 1989 by Jim Anthony, The Cliffs Communities is devoted to the sensible development of residential communities and other properties, within the United States and around the world. Named World's Best Development, 2007, by the CNBC International Property Awards, The Cliffs' domestic properties include eight premier, private master-planned residential communities located in the heart of the Carolina Preserve near Asheville, N.C., and Greenville, S.C., collectively bordered by hundreds of thousands of acres of national forests and state parks in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Our location- The Carolina Preserve

Described as the Land of the Waterfalls, The Carolina Preserve enjoys four distinct seasons, in a temperate climate, and has hundreds of thousands of acres of state and national parks, designated Wild and Scenic Rivers, hundreds of waterfalls from Appalachian streams, and pristine lakes, namely Lake Jocassee and Lake Keowee, with more than 350 miles of shoreline. The land extends from the lakes, at an elevation of 1,000 feet above sea level, to the mountaintops at 6,600 feet above sea level, and offers the opportunity for a full array of outdoor sports and activities, in an incredible natural setting. Rich in history, The Carolina Preserve has an incredible diversity of animal and plant life, including plant species found nowhere else in America and more than 100 varieties of deciduous trees.  With its proximity to Charlotte and Atlanta, The Carolina Preserve offers easy access to diverse cultural, shopping, medical, health and wellness activities, and to top-ranked universities. Both Asheville, N.C., and Greenville, S.C., have been ranked among the best places to live, to retire, and to have a business in America.


Ownership in any one of The Cliffs' eight communities carries the exclusive opportunity to become a Cliffs' Member, with privileges that include access to The Cliffs' international properties stretching from the marine preserves off the British Columbia coast to the virgin shoreline of Patagonia, Chile, and the beaches and reefs of the private island of Cornish Cay in the Abacos, Bahamas. The Cliffs offers home sites from $200,000 to more than $3 million and custom homes from $700,000 to $5 million.  

At The Cliffs, wellness is personal. Our approach includes a customized plan of action that meets you wherever you are. We utilize fitness professionals and wellness coaches, a team of doctors, state-of-the-art wellness complexes and spa offerings, specialized affiliations such as Wake Forest University Medical Center, outdoor sports and trails, nutritional and lifestyle assessments, a 10-acre organic farm, comprehensive fitness programs, massage services and whatever wellness programs our members need in order to pursue their passions.

For more information about The Cliffs Communities call 877-254-3371 or visit cliffscommunities.com


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Catherine's Comment
by Catherine Ebeling, RN BSN

Cahterine Ebeling
This Meat is a Nutrition Powerhouse!

Organ meats are not the most talked-about cuts of meat in the US, but there is renewed interest lately in these power-packed nutrition superstars. Organ meat is very popular in many other countries, but here, organ meat does not carry the same popularity.
Most other cultures use almost all of the animal when it is eaten, including the organs. The most popular organs are the liver, tongue, kidneys, brains, heart, stomach, and intestines. If you take a look at the history of man it is obvious that organ meat was very common and eaten more often than the muscle meat of animals. What did our ancestors know?  That the organs contained some of the most concentrated sources of nutrients and were the most important part of the animal to eat.  You can even find that attitude in the animal kingdom. When a carnivorous animal begins to feast, they always begin with the internal organs.
Compared to regular cuts of meat, organ meats are more densely packed with just about every nutrient, including B vitamins such as: B1, B2, B6, folic acid and vitamin B12. Organ meats also contain minerals like phosphorus, iron, copper, magnesium and iodine and provide important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.  Animals raised outside on grass contain even higher levels of these essential nutrients.
Organ meats also contain high amounts of significant fatty acids such as arachidonic acid, EPA and DHA. Even if you add only small amounts of organ meats to your regular meat dishes, you can help your family supercharge their nutrition.
If you knew of the health benefits of organ meats, especially those of grass-fed cattle, perhaps liver, heart and kidneys might take on a new attraction.
The most frequently asked question about liver is about its safety. It is the liver's job to neutralize toxins in our body from drugs or other chemicals, so obviously the best choice for liver is the grass fed kind, without antibiotics or hormones.
Liver is known to contain more concentrated sources of...


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Dr. Al Sears M.D.
Dr. Al Sears

Strawberries With Your Pesticides?

By Al Sears, MD

Dear Health Conscious Reader:

Do you wonder if buying organic is worth the extra money?

Well... it depends on what you're buying.

The definition of "organic" has been degraded to the point where sometimes it doesn't mean anything. Some "organic beef" can be just as bad as the estrogen-drenched, grain-fed junk you see going for 99 cents a pound.

With produce it can be just as tricky. Some are downright poisonous. Others aren't as bad. I have a rule of thumb I give my patients. You'll find a list below.

First, there are a few things you should know. The food industry puts poisons in your food and they stay there until you eat them. The FDA allows and even defends this practice. During one test, there were 30 different pesticides on strawberries sold for consumption. Another test revealed 10 different pesticides on a single commercial sample of spinach.

Some interfere with nutrients in your food. Many have unpredictable effects that we know very little about. The ones that I have become most concerned about are the ones that wreak havoc on your hormones.  The pesticide endosulfan is an important example. It turns up in your food more often than any other chemical on the market.
(2)  Despite evidence that this chemical turns on estrogen receptors, the FDA insists it's safe. Yet how could anyone know what decades of consuming this and other estrogen mimics will do?

When these chemicals get into your blood, your body mistakes them for real hormones. For men, this means the gradual dissolution of masculine characteristics and development of feminine features and abnormal growth of the prostate. In women, it means a rise in breast and ovarian cancers and a dramatic worsening of symptoms of menopause.

Contrary to what I've seen claimed, you can avoid most of these chemicals if you buy organic. While it may not be economically practical for you to buy organic produce across the board, it may make sense to buy organic for the 10 worst fruits and vegetables.

So here's how the best and the worst stack up:

10 Worst Offenders:
Buy Organic

10 Least Contaminated:
Okay To Buy Conventional
Bell Peppers

Like most folks, you may wash your fruits and vegetables to get rid of the dirt, bugs, wax and pesticides. It may help, but many of today's pesticides are designed to bind to the surface and don't easily wash off with water alone.

Surprisingly, the food checked by the government was washed and prepared for normal consumption before it was tested. So even if you rinse with water, you're still getting chemical contamination. To protect you and your family, take these additional steps:

·    Peel your fruits and vegetables and remove outer leaves on cabbage, lettuce, garlic and onions.

·    For the produce you don't peel, soak them in a mixture of vinegar and water (equal parts). After 10 or 15 minutes, rinse them with cold water.

·    Alternatively, soak your produce in a weak mixture of dishwashing liquid. Then rinse well with cold water.

·    If you don't have time to soak, you can fill a spray bottle with one cup of water, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Spray on, let sit and rinse with cold water.

·    Avoid commercial produce that's bruised. They're more likely to have concentrations of pesticides deep within the fruit.
To Your Good Health!
Dr. Al Sears

[1] Environmental Working Group. Report Card: Pesticides in Produce. www.ewg.org
[1] Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2002. Reregistration eligibility decision for vinclozalin. Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances (OPPTS) EPA 738-R-02-013.
[1] Shopper's Guide to Pesticides and Produce. Press Release. Oct 21, 2003.


Dr. Al Sears, M.D. is a board-certified clinical nutrition specialist. His practice, Dr. Sears' Health & Wellness Center in Royal Palm Beach, Fla., specializes in alternative medicine. He is the author of seven books in the fields of alternative medicine, anti-aging, and nutritional supplementation, including The Doctor's Heart Cure. To get his free special report on the proven anti-aging strategies for building a vibrant, disease-free life, go here now. You'll learn how to stop Father Time without giving up the foods you love.

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Shane Ellison M.S.
shane ellison
Cholesterol Facts

Cholesterol is a versatile compound that is vital to the function of the human body and just like everything else; cholesterol levels differ greatly among individuals. In humans, cholesterol serves 5 main functions:  

1. Cholesterol is used by the body to manufacture steroids, or cortisone-like hormones, including the sex hormones. These hormones include testosterone, estrogen and cortisone.

2. Cholesterol helps the liver produce bile acids. These acids are essential for digestion of fats and ridding the body of waste.

3. Cholesterol acts to interlock "lipid molecules," which stabilize cell membranes. Therefore, cholesterol is the vital building block for all bodily tissues.

4. Cholesterol is an essential part of the myelin sheath. The myelin sheath, similar to the coating on copper wire, ensures that the brain functions properly by aiding the passage of electrical impulses. Without the myelin sheath, it is difficult to focus and we can lose memory.

5. And finally, cholesterol has beneficial effects on the immune system. Men with high cholesterol have stronger immune systems than those with low cholesterol, as can be seen by the fact that they have more lymphocytes, total T-cells, helper T-cells and CD8+ cells.  Many strains of bacteria, which cause us to get sick, are almost totally inactivated by LDL cholesterol.

In closing, lowering such a vital molecule might be considered suicide in slow motion. To illustrate, imagine that your house represents your body and the nails holding it together, cholesterol. Now start pulling just a few nails out of the house. What happens? The house turns to a pile of rubble. The same is true for the human body.

References: Ellison, Shane. Hidden Truth about Cholesterol Lowering Drugs.  www.healthmyths.net

Ed. Note: Shane Ellison's entire career has been dedicated to the study of molecules - how they give life and how they take from it. He was a two-time recipient of the prestigious Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Grant for his research in biochemistry and physiology. He is a best selling author, holds a master's degree in organic chemistry, and has first-hand experience in drug design. Take advantage of his knowledge and insights to look and feel your best in 90 days.

See Stinky Sulfur Awards HERE

Use Shane's knowledge and insight to look and feel your best in 90 days by clicking HERE.

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Dr. Eric Serrano M.D., M.S., B.C.
Eric Seranno
Dear Dr. Serrano,

I am a 46 year old woman with hypothyroidism for 2 years. I am wanting to switch from Levoxyl to Armour Thyroid. I am currently on 75mcg of Levoxyl.

I don't feel well on the dose the doctor likes - I believe I am on too much due to petechia-type rashes, frequent heart palpitations, nausea, joint aches, insomnia, etc. He doesn't like Armour thyroid - he said it is too hard to regulate. I have read much to the contrary. What are your thoughts and recommendations on the type of medication and dosing? (I weigh 125#).



Dear R.K.,

A lot of endocrinologists and family practice physicians do not believe in Armour Thyroid because it is made from pig or cow thyroid gland.  This is natural and does not have as much research on it as Levoxyl. Armour thyroid works around 70% of the time and the other 30% might need other things including Cytomel or Thyrolar.

If you are not feeling well and you are having all those problems, I agree with you. You may not need a new medication, but a doctor that will listen to you. You are young, and although you did not tell me, weight dosages are very patient-specific that I cannot help you without knowing your labs, symptoms, diet, allergies, history and medications.

Because you have insomnia and palpitations, I would ask your doctor to check your free T4, and free T3 and TSH, but also check your estrogen levels and make sure you don't have food allergies.

Best Regards,

Dr. Eric Serrano, M.D.

This is a friendly reminder to email health and wellness questions to the email address below for Dr. Eric Serrano M.D. question and answer series. Please place Dr. Serrano's name in the subject line for quicker processing.

Answers will appear in future issues of the Newsletter and News Alert. Your full name will not be displayed. Dr. Serrano has been so kind to offer his expertise to literally any question related to health and wellness involving grass-fed meats.

Dr. Serrano has a wealth of knowledge from both his farm background, 15 years of clinical experience and an award-winning professor at Ohio State Medical School. Dr. Serrano has an outstanding family practice on the outskirts of Columbus, Ohio and works with a select group of professional athletes.

Dr. Eric Serrano M.D.
With advanced degrees in nutrition, kinesiology and wellness
475 North Hill Road
Pickerington, OH  43147-1157

EMAIL QUESTIONS TO: eathealthy@grasslandbeef.com

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Athlete Corner - Scott Mendelson Q&A
scott mendelson small
Need A Training Lift?
By: Scott Mendelson

One of my co workers has lost a tremendous amount of body fat over the last 6 months (she says 34 lbs, but it looks like even more since she is not a size 6) working with you and she has been singing your praises.

I am starting from a similar circumstance in that I travel frequently for work and in general pressed for time.  What solutions do you offer for very busy clients, as I find that when I am not exercising my diet goes south as well.  What approach would you take to get me started towards my fat loss goals (20-25 lbs)?  Lastly, my legs are a trouble spot in particular- any way to address this as a priority?

Sara T
Philadelphia, PA


In a case like yours I would design two workouts for a client- one to be done for normal schedules and the other when pressed for time for a variety of reasons.  After working with thousands of internet consultation clients I have found that traveling clients may not have access to a gym or the time to get there during certain trips, so body weight workouts that can be done in a hotel or your living room are a great tool.

In a majority of cases I can help female clients lose at least 10-15 lbs of body fat in the first 6-8 weeks and sometimes more pending the starting body fat percentage and degree of dedication.  There are an endless number of body weight/callisthenic exercises that can be performed for the novice all the way up to advanced clients. 

You mentioned your legs being a priority, so here is an example of a fat burning lower body session that can be done in 20 minutes or less.  Everyone has 20 minutes they can carve out of the day no matter what the circumstances.

Body Weight Fat Burning Routine

                                            Sets      Reps      Rest
A1. Body weight squat               3-4      10-12       30    
A2. Jumping Jacks                     3-4      12-15       30
A3. Body weight Pendulum          3-4       6-8         30
A4. Side Lunge                         3-4       8-10        30
A5. Standing Unilateral calf raise  3-4       6-8         30
A6. Dynamic Lunge                    3-4       6-8         30    

Email Scott@infinityfitness.com for example Body Weight Fat Burning Routine.

Training Well leads to Eating Well

A workout done when you have a more normal schedule may consist of weight training pending the situation or other body weight workouts.  I customize everything to the client needs to ensure the fastest possible results making use of every tool in my arsenal.  You are correct in that most people have difficulty following any sort of nutrition plan when they are not exercising.  This has a lot to do with the mood/energy enhancing impact of exercise which lowers cravings for bad food choices.  Furthermore those with good energy levels and mood do not seek to "self-Medicate" with food vs. sedentary people. 

Defeating Trouble Spot Fat

Most women store body fat efficiently in the lower body making the hips/thighs, etc. a trouble spot area.  This has to do with the higher number of fat storage receptors in that area for women, while men have this problem in the mid-section.  An elevation of stress hormones activates these fat storage receptors along with several other factors which increase the rates the body stores fat. Quite simply the right training and nutrition plan can shut down fat storage receptors forcing the body to use more stored fat as fuel during rest and daily activities.  The foundation begins with the best possible food sources and this includes Grass-Fed Beef for several reasons.  The Zero Tolerance Fat Loss Nutrition Plan works extremely well for a situation like yours, which is available to wellness readers by emailing scott@infinityfitness.com.

Interval Sprints- Unlocking your Rapid Fat Loss Potential

As mentioned in previous columns short interval sprint sessions are far superior for fat loss vs. steady state cardio.  Using an interval routine two to three times per week will be great for you, considering these sessions are very short and can be done just about anywhere. Please request the 10 minute interval sprint file by email if you would like an example.  There are an endless number of elements to manipulate for these routines which is why I am able to easily transition someone who is out of shape into an effective fat loss plan.  In most cases a gradual approach must be taken with the mode of exercise as well as the intensity.  

Email Scott@infinityfitness.com for the top 10 Strategies for Preventing Body Fat Storage.

Hi, I am Scott Mendelson, and I am here to help deliver solutions to all of your exercise challenges in 2009 and beyond!

To say the least, grassland beef goes quickly in the Mendelson House with filets, flank steak, minute steaks and burgers being the favorites.

"My goal is to not only reach more people in 2009, but help them get to their goals in the fastest possible time frame using the best techniques for their unique needs" 

An Internet Training and nutrition consulting pioneer, Scott has been helping clients ranging from weekend warriors to professional athletes since 1999.  See more about Scott's credentials here.  Watch Scott explain the Super Station Training Chest and Back routine demonstrated by Natural Pro Todd Buchanan.

Infinity Fitness INC provides training, fitness, and nutritional information for educational purposes. It is important that you consult with a health professional to ensure that your dietary and health needs are met. It is necessary for you to carefully monitor your progress and to make changes to your nutritional and fitness program to enjoy success.

Infinity Fitness does not employ dieticians or health professionals and assumes no responsibility or liability for your personal health and condition. For more information regarding our Limited Warranty for products and services, please see our disclaimer at InfinityFitness.com.

Email new questions for Scott Mendelson via: eathealthy@grasslandbeef.com
Be sure to place Scott Mendelson in the subject line.

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What Our Customers Are Saying

Dear Grassland Family,

I cooked one of the briskets I received yesterday for 15 hours slow-low cooking for shredded beef. WOW! It is delicious!!!

I also added onions and ended up with a very nice thick sauce that I saved. I am glad I bought 4 briskets!

I am getting a delivery of Hatch chilis this weekend to serve with the shredded beef, I am excited! Thank you for such a great quality meat.

Long Beach, CA
Recipe Corner:  Heart Kabobs
veal cutlet

Remove cartilage from top of heart and slice beef heart into 1-inch cubes, marinate for 24 hours in the fridge with this mixture:
  • 1 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 cup Raw Vinegar
  • 1/4 tsp Powdered Cumin
  • 1 1/2 tsp Seasoning Salt
  • 3/4 tsp Pepper
  • 1/2 tsp Paprika
  • 1 tsp Annatto Seeds
  • 1 tblsp Finely Chopped Fresh Garlic

Place cubes on skewers and cook about 7 minutes each side on the barbecue or under the broiler.

Variation - alternate vegetables and meat on the skewer, with onion, mushrooms, green and red pepper chunks

This recipe is from Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, Nourishing Traditions, page 309.

Share your favorite recipes at: recipes@grasslandbeef.com

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September 30, 2009 - Near Monticello, MO
october cattle
Cattle grazing in new pasture on the last day of September - still plenty of grass to go around!

october cattle

Kat James - Author >Truth About Beauty
Kat James 080616

Let celebrated author Kat James help you break the sugar and starch habit in a beautiful mountain home high in the Blue Ridge Mountains near Lake Lure, North Carolina. 

The next two five day classes are scheduled to commence on October 16th and November 13th, each running for 5 days.  Crucial contact info is HERE.

I dropped in on Kat September 22nd, and watched the great teacher in action on day four of her past class.  Students were busy in the kitchen cooking up sugar free dishes and raving about how good the cuisine tasted.   I heartily concurred after an evening feast of tenderloin filet, organic greens, organic veggies, and home made sugar free ice cream on a coconut flour cake that was outstanding. 

In short, if you are fighting sugar addiction, you can learn anti sugar kitchen tricks in 5 days of fun and comradery with super teacher Kat James.

The Fall scenery for the next two classes will be off the charts.

Visit www.informedbeauty.com to check out Kat's radio program and webinar programs if travel is not an option at this time. 

Email: info@informedbeauty.com

URL: www.informedbeauty.com

Phone: (877) 548-6825
$25 Discount for 40lb. Increments

Do not forget to take advantage of the 40 pound $25 discount by ordering 40 pound combinations of beef, lamb, pork, butter, goat, shrimp, bison, condiments, honey, rabbit, single item chicken selections, snack foods, pet food, and raw cheese.

This is our way of saying thank you for purchasing in volume. This can be any combination of products totaling 40 pounds and does not have to be specific to any category. Each 40 pound interval will yield the discount. For example, 80 pounds of product will yield a $50 discount and a 120 pound purchase will yield a $75 discount.

Minimum Purchase Rules

U.S. Wellness requires a $75 minimum purchase and a 7 pound minimum combined purchase of beef, lamb, pork, nutraceuticals, gourmet rabbit, grass-fed goat, grass-fed bison, raw cheese, single piece poultry, and butter.

The minimum is required since we have built the cost of shipping into the price of the product.  You will only see a nominal handling at checkout.

The issue is the 20 pound bulk chicken and turkeys  originate from separate cold storage center where those products are produced. It is not efficient to ship one package of beef as a stand alone item when the balance of the order originates 400 miles away.

The shopping cart will keep track and remind you if you are under the 7 pound limit for a combination of beef, lamb, pork, raw cheese, butter, goat, shrimp, soap and single honey bottle purchases. A Red font will appear under the shopping cart if you are under the minimum price or pound requirements.

Customer Change Contact Info Link

Need to change your address information or remove yourself from our customer newsletter? Click here. After opening, enter your email address and store password and you will be able to edit your customer file.

Confidentiality Guarantee:

We at U.S. Wellness Meats do not sell, trade or give away any subscriber information. This isn't just an ethical commitment, it's also a legal one.

Copyright © 2009 by U.S. Wellness Meats and Catherine Ebeling. All rights reserved. The content, design and graphical elements of this newsletter are copyrighted.

Please secure written permission of the authors before copying or using this material. Address: caebeling@earthlink.net or eathealthy@grasslandbeef.com

John Wood
U.S. Wellness Meats

Toll Free: (877) 383-0051

On Sale Items
The following delicious sale items will expire at 10 PM CST October 10, 2009.

- 1 lb package

- 1 lb package

Head Cheese
- 1 lb package

Petite Top Sirloin
- 11 oz steak

Volume Discount

canton cattle 090710

Wild Caught Raw Shrimp
- 1 lb package

Butterfly Boneless Pork Chops
- 2 (8 oz.) chops

Beef Snack Sticks
- 7.5 oz package

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Quick Links




Grass-fed Steaks

Pastured Veal

Beef Jerky

Nitrite Free Franks


Pemmican & Snack Sticks


Burger & Patties

Beef Organ Meats

Warm & Serve Entrees

Beef Roasts

Marrow and Tallow

Brisket, Ribs & Stew

Fresh Beef

Free Range Poultry

Organic Butter

Amish Cheese

Amish Goat Cheese

Certified Humane Pork

Grass-fed Lamb

Raw Honey

Gift Certificates

Natural Laundry Soap


Gourmet Rabbit

Pet Food

Grass-fed Goat

Organic Snacks

Grass-fed Bison

Wild Caught Shrimp



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U.S. Wellness Meats | P.O. Box 9 | Monticello | MO | 63457-9704