US Wellness Meats Newsletter

Dr. Sears Article - Harmful "Alien Molecule" 

Weekly Sale Items: Flat Iron Steaks, Thai Sirloin Strips, Ground Duck, Sockeye Salmon Burgers, & Chicken Wings

Restocks on Marrow Broth, Beef Tallow, OxTail, Beef Knuckle Bones

August 16, 2015
 Monticello, Missouri
Archive Link 
Dear John,
Leaders show up in the most unusual places.  Meet Lead Steer 'Buddy', who has permanent residence in our South Alabama pasture operation.  Lead Steer Buddy leads the rest of his pasture mates to new paddocks daily.  He is highly intelligent and enjoys human  interactions with Mr. Ray as soon as he arrives in the paddock.  Mr. Ray always brings a seasonal edible treat for Buddy. 

Buddy's calming effect on new arrivals is simply amazing.  Note the shiny hair coat which demonstrates the high quality pastures that have been grazed this summer. 

Handling grass-fed cattle as gentle as possible is one of the secrets of a quality finished product and efficient pasture production. Two gold stars for Buddy.

We hope Buddy continues as lead steer for the next 15 to 20 years. 

Back to school is upon many families.  For those families which would like to supplement less than robust school lunches, we encourage the inclusion of beef jerky or turkey jerky for a quick noon protein boost.  To start the day, pemmican is perfect mix of high quality fat and protein, and far superior to most breakfast choices in cardboard packaging.  Pemmican can also be added to scrambled eggs for the best of both products.  The healthy snack category holds numerous choices that will improve nutrition in the school setting. 

Featured Chef Noell has a very simple and tasty beef flat iron recipe below.    The flat iron is carved from the blade muscle in the shoulder and one of the newest cuts of beef discovered in 2002.  By 2007 it was the 5th best selling steak in America.   You will discover 4 eight our steaks per package with just the right amount intramuscular fat to create great flavor.

Kelley Herring has an excellent nightshade article below.  Scott Mendelson will assist all men over 35 getting fit for the last beach days of 2015.  

Remember the red letter code embedded within the Dr. Sears article ... you must click the continue reading link to discover the code.  Dr. Sears has some chilling news on an old nemesis that is gaining traction in our environment. 

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or our Blog.

Best August Regards, 

John, Lee Ann, Tressa, Amanda, Laura, and Deric on behalf of the farm families of US Wellness Meats.

Toll Free:  (877) 383-0051
Direct Line: (573) 767-9040
Fax: (573) 767-5475

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15% Discount Red Letter Code Available!

  • Read the complete Dr. Al Sears' article directly below 
  • Find the bold, 9-letter code word spelled out in order. 
  • Code expires this Tuesday at midnight CST.   
  • Applies to any order under 40 lbs, excluding any sale items, volume discounts, and gift certificates    

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Dr. Al Sears

Now It's In The Air We Breathe
BPA - The "Alien Molecule" 

By: Dr. Al Sears, MD
When I started practicing medicine, I made a discovery that changed my view of the world forever.

It was something few understood at the time.

I'm talking about an "alien molecule" that gets into your blood and reprograms your cells to become more "feminine."
Editors Note:  Dr. Al Sears, M.D. is a board-certified clinical nutrition specialist. His practice, Dr. Sears' Health & Wellness Center in Royal Palm Beach, Fla., specializes in alternative medicine. He is the author of seven books in the fields of alternative medicine, anti-aging, and nutritional supplementation, including The Doctor's Heart Cure. To get his free special report on the proven anti-aging strategies for building a vibrant, disease-free life, go here now. You'll learn how to stop Father Time without giving up the foods you love.  
Kelley Herring kelleyherring 
Kelley Herring
Farm-Fresh Foods Causing Pain?
By: Kelley Herring, Healing Gourmet 

Ruby-red tomatoes... crisp bell peppers... spicy-hot cayenne pepper...

For most people, these are garden-fresh ingredients for a healthy diet, rich in a variety of health-promoting nutrients like vitamin C and lycopene.  But for others, these seemingly healthy foods can be the cause of pain, migraines, stiffness and systemic inflammation.

Continue Reading....


Kelley Herring is the author of the brand new book Better Breads - which includes information you need to know about why it is so important to avoid wheat and grains in your diet, plus how to use healthy replacements for these foods to create all the breads you love... without the gluten, carbs and health-harming effects.
Recent Health News
Trans fats, but not saturated fats like butter, linked to greater risk of early death and heart disease

Source: McMaster University

Contrary to prevailing dietary advice, a recent evidence review found no excess cardiovascular risk associated with intake of saturated fat. In contrast, research suggests that industrial trans fats may increase the risk of coronary heart disease. 
A study led by researchers at McMaster University has found that that trans fats are associated with greater risk of death and coronary heart disease, but saturated fats are not associated with an increased risk of death, heart disease, stroke, or Type 2 diabetes.
Continue Reading ...

Athlete Corner - Scott Mendelson Q&A

Get A Great Beach Body --
Finishing Set Training 

By:  Scott Mendelson

I am looking for an aggressive body fat loss weight training program that will shed the last 15-20 pounds covering my abs.  I also need to improve muscle definition.  I would like the training sessions to be 40 minutes or less a few times per week due to my schedule.  What are the leading causes behind hunger after dinner?

Dallas, TX


Finishing Set Training will be perfect for your goals and time constraints.  Most of my clients are very busy and as a result maximizing efficiency has been a primary focus for years ...
Techniques Revealed...

Infinity Fitness INC provides training, fitness, and nutritional information for educational purposes. It is important that you consult with a health professional to ensure that your dietary and health needs are met.  Do not start or make changes to your exercise program without consulting your doctor.  It is necessary for you to carefully monitor your progress and to make changes to your nutritional and fitness program to enjoy success. Infinity Fitness does not employ dieticians or health professionals and assumes no responsibility or liability for your personal health and condition. For more information regarding our Limited Warranty for products and services, please see our disclaimer at   
Copyright © Infinity Fitness INC All Rights Reserved 2014
CustomerCommentsCustomer Feedback
Fantastic ...
Salmon Burger
Sockeye Salmon Burgers

Fanstastic! Easy to cook! Great taste! Gluten free! Love these!

Sam R.
Tempe, AZ
recipeRecipe Corner
Author: Noelle Tarr 
Flat Iron Steak Recipe 
So Simple  !!
Ingredients for the Steaks:  
  • 3-4 Flat Iron Steaks (1.5 - 2 pounds)
  • ¼ tsp unprocessed sea salt and pepper, each
Marinade Ingredients:
  •  1/3 cup olive oil
  • 1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tbsp freshly chopped basil
  • 8 garlic cloves, minced or 1 tsp granulated garlic
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • ½ tsp nutmeg
  1. In a medium bowl, whisk together all ingredients for marinade.
  2. Place steak in a baking dish and pour marinade over top. Make sure marinade covers steaks evenly.
  3. Seal dish and allow steaks to marinate at least 4 hours. You can also marinate steaks in a large plastic bag.
  1. To grill, remove steaks from marinade and season with salt and pepper on both sides.
  2. Cook on grill set to 275 - 300 degrees Fahrenheit for 8-10 minutes each side.
  3. Once cooked, remove from heat and allow to rest 10 minutes.
  4. To serve, slice against the grain in ½ inch pieces.
Difficulty:  Easy


Noelle is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP™), certified by the Nutritional Therapy Association, and a National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Personal Trainer. She's the writer behind the popular blog Coconuts and Kettlebells, and the voice behind the incredibly entertaining and fast-growing health and fitness podcast, The Paleo Women Podcast.

If you are a blogger or food artist and would like to see your recipes published simply email us.
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photosFarm Photos - US Wellness Cattle
Missouri cattle enjoying the longest rain free stretch so far this summer.  Five days and counting.

Purchasing Information

Order Minimums
  • All orders must weigh at least 7 pounds in order to ship, to ensure everything stays frozen during transit.
  • $75 minimum purchase requirement, since we have built the cost of shipping into the price of each product.
  • You will never be charged extra for shipping.   
  • There is a $7.50 handling fee upon checkout.
  • The South Carolina Chicken Bundles, BBQ Sauce, produce and cookbooks ship from separate locations, so they are not included in the 7 lb weight minimum.  The shopping cart will keep track and remind you if your order is under the 7 lb limit.   

Weight Discount 

  • Receive a $25 discount for every 40 pounds you order. This offer excludes items that ship separate such as the South Carolina Chicken, produce and fresh bundles. 
  • This is our way of saying thank-you for purchasing in bulk!  
  • This can be any combination of products totaling 40 pounds and does not have to be specific to any category.  Each 40 pound interval will yield the discount - for example, order 80 pounds and we'll take $50 off! 
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U.S. Wellness Meats does not sell, trade or give away any subscriber information. This isn't just an ethical commitment, it's also a legal one.  
Copyright © 2009 by U.S. Wellness Meats. All rights reserved. The content, design and graphical elements of this newsletter are copyrighted.  
Please secure written permission of the authors before copying or using this material. Address:

John Wood  
Toll Free: (877) 383-0051  
On Sale Now
flat iron steak
All sale items will expire at 10:00 pm CST on Saturday August 22, 2015. 
- 2.125 lbs

Thai Sirloin Strips

- 8 oz

Ground Duck Backs
- 1 lb

- 1.5 lbs    
- 4 oz        


- 6.5 oz

Duck Necks
- 1 lb

 Lamb Rib Chop
- 12 oz


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