January 1, 2017 Canton, MO
US Wellness Meats Newsletter - In This Issue
Dr Sears - Curcumin Changed His Attitude
Happy New Year John,
One of the most popular New Year's resolutions every year is to eat healthier and lose weight. The Paleo diet continues to top the list as one of the most popular nutrition plan choices. If you are starting your Paleo adventure in 2017 we can help with the transition.
Eating more organ meats is another popular resolution especially within the Paleo community. A common question that follows that resolution is, "How can I get my kids to eat them too?" One of our long time friends, Real Food Liz, tackles this topic in her recent blog article and we thought you might find it helpful.
As the skies turn cold and grey and the excitement of the holidays fade, this time of year can bring with it winter time blues. This week, Dr. Sears writes about a natural remedy that has proven mood enhancing effects to keep your spirits bright throughout the year. Here is something else that might brighten your day~ it is a Red Letter Discount Code weekend! Retrieve the 15% off discount code from this week's Dr. Sears article, and save on all of your favorite items. (see below for details)
If you've ever wondered if you have symptoms of a thyroid disorder, don't miss Kelley Herring's article, which is the first of a 2 part series on how to heal your thyroid with food. Giveaway News
Wishing You a Happy New Year,
John, Lee Ann, Tressa, Laura, and Amanda on behalf of the farm families of US Wellness Meats.
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All sale item discounts expire at 10:00 pm CST on Saturday, January 7th, 2017.
"Dr. Sears," C.R. asked me, "I know curcumin is good for treating a lot of things, but can it improve someone's mood?"
This morning, one of the women on my staff, C.R., came into my office to talk to me about her 15-year-old son. He'd been irritable and moody and sleeping a lot lately. Most mornings, he'd miss the bus to school and then stress about being late.
But today...
15% Discount Red Letter Code Available!
- Read the complete Dr. Al Sears' article
- Find the "red" bolded 5-letter code word spelled out in order.
- Code expires this Tuesday at midnight CST.
- Applies to any order under 40 lbs, excludes sale items, volume discounts, and gift certificates
"Best chicken wings I've had in a long while. I use leftover bones to make chicken bone broth, so this product serves dual purposes for me!"
Alexis M.
New York, NY
It is estimated that 20 million Americans have some type of thyroid disease. Perhaps even more troubling, more than 60 percent of those people are completely unaware of their condition!
This means that millions of people (possibly even you) are living with the symptoms of a thyroid disorder and either have no idea what's wrong... or they have learned to live with fatigue, aches pains, and digestive issues as if they are "normal".
US Wellness Store - Quick Links
These Moroccan Meatballs look delicious. And thanks to our New Year's first Featured Chef, Jean Choi, you have the recipe to make them. Check out her interview, the rest of her recipes, and the prize pack your Great Grandma would love. We hope you enjoy!
| Angus cows and calves with full winter coats preparing for New Years Eve in north central Missouri.
This is typical landscape in the rolling hills of northern Missouri, and is some of the best grazing land in the Midwest.
|  |
Cows and calves are grazing stock pile forage which has been in rest for 70 days. They are given small increments daily to maximize nutrition.
- All orders must weigh at least 7 pounds in order to ship, to ensure everything stays frozen during transit.
- $75 minimum purchase requirement, since we have built the cost of shipping into the price of each product.
- You will never be charged extra for shipping.
- There is a $7.50 handling fee upon checkout.
- The South Carolina Chicken Bundles, BBQ Sauce, produce and cookbooks ship from separate locations, so they are not included in the 7 lb weight minimum. The shopping cart will keep track and remind you if your order is under the 7 lb limit.
Weight Discount- Receive a $25 discount for every 40 pounds you order. This offer excludes items that ship separate such as the South Carolina Chicken, produce and fresh bundles.
- This is our way of saying thank-you for purchasing in bulk!
- This can be any combination of products totaling 40 pounds and does not have to be specific to any category. Each 40 pound interval will yield the discount - for example, order 80 pounds and we'll take $50 off!
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