US Wellness Meats Newsletter - In This Issue
Dr Sears
- Can You Really Bottle Energy? (Red Letter Code In This Edition)
Kelley Herring - The Rotation Diet: Find the Root Cause of Your "Mystery" Symptoms & Start Your Road to Recovery Today
New Sale Items - Beef Striploin Primal, Duck Stock, Bones, Tri-Tip Steaks and More!
Dear John,
Hot Summer Days = Hot Summer Savings!
The hot days of summer are here in Northeast Missouri and the local Lewis County Fair is in full swing. Last night residents enjoyed donkey races and a baby contest.
How about some relief from the heat? We've got a cool Discount Code hidden in the Dr. Sears article. Take advantage of the savings to stock up for the dog days of summer. Back To School The next school year is fast approaching and that means you'll want to start thinking about snacks and good foods for your youngsters. Check out our variety of Healthy Snacks and Kids Picks. Dr. Sears' Health Article So many people these days are looking for extra energy. All too often that search brings them to a prescription or over-the-counter pill, energy drink, or something not entirely natural. Dr. Sears speaks to the advantages of better diet & nutrition for your energy boost. Learn more about the body's amazing t elomeres and why they're important! Find the Red Letter Code in Dr. Sears' article today to SAVE 15% on your order. This code expires Tuesday at midnight (CST), so don't wait too long. Kelley Herring | Health & Wellness Researchers estimate that approximately 15 million Americans suffer from some form of food allergy. That's a staggering number! Some of these cases are mild while others are life threatening. In her article, Kelley examines this food related trend and offers insight into mystery symptoms. See Part II of her Rotation Diet series for a list of Auto-Immune Protocol (AIP) friendly foods, sample menu and more. New Sale Items
John & Staff on behalf of the farm families of US Wellness Meats
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All sale item discounts expire at 10:00 pm CST on Saturday, July 22nd 2017.
You see it almost everywhere these days - energy drinks that advertise the wonder of B vitamins. And they all claim to give you the energy boost to get you through your day.
Sadly, it's a big marketing ploy. The quick energy in these drinks usually comes from their high sugar and synthetic caffeine content.
15% Discount Red Letter Code Available!
- Read the complete Dr. Al Sears' article
- Find the "red" bolded 8-letter code word spelled out in order.
- Code expires this Tuesday at midnight CST.
- Applies to any order under 40 lbs, excludes sale items, volume discounts, and gift certificates
|  | On sale this week! |
"A USWM favorite of mine... I let these thaw enough to separate and vac seal into smaller portions to use as lardons when I cook beans, soups, and others that benefit from the taste of the delicious bacon...at lower cost than using bacon strips. Yes, some of the pieces are all fat. That's flavor, folks! These always have a place in my order."
M.J. of Houston, TX
"Great for Keto diet... These pieces of goodness are delicious. I ordered them because they were on sale and I plan on buying these over the bacon strips. I was excited to see how thick they were. Some pieces are an inch thick. Very fatty which is great for Keto!"
Today, I'll show you some of the key conditions that can be caused by food intolerances and allergies, how a rotation diet can help, and the easy way you can get started.
US Wellness Store - Quick Links
A gorgeous tri-tip roast from US Wellness Meats was our inaugural meat for the barbecue season. It had been waiting for me in the freezer for the last few months and I was dying to season it and grill it to perfection. My mom always used to grill up tri-tip for large crowds when we were growing up...
Our thanks to past USWM Featured Chef, Danielle Walker for sharing this beautiful recipe! Danielle is the author and photographer of the New York Times Best Selling cookbooks: Meals Made Simple, Against All Grain and Celebrations. Discover more of her amazing recipes here!
Grazing multi species cover crops results in a very shiny hair coat. These cattle are glistening in the late afternoon July sun. Contentment is the order of the day when balanced nutrition is in harmony with soil, plant and animal life.
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Moving into a new paddock grass sward is 20 minutes of heads down clipping off the highest energy portions of selected plants. Grazing animals are very astute on which plants to graze and why.
- All orders must weigh at least 7 pounds in order to ship, to ensure everything stays frozen during transit.
- $75 minimum purchase requirement, since we have built the cost of shipping into the price of each product.
- You will never be charged extra for shipping.
- There is a $7.50 handling fee upon checkout.
- The South Carolina Chicken Bundles, BBQ Sauce, produce and cookbooks ship from separate locations, so they are not included in the 7 lb weight minimum. The shopping cart will keep track and remind you if your order is under the 7 lb limit.
Weight Discount- Receive a $25 discount for every 40 pounds you order. This offer excludes items that ship separate such as the South Carolina Chicken, produce and fresh bundles.
- This is our way of saying thank-you for purchasing in bulk!
- This can be any combination of products totaling 40 pounds and does not have to be specific to any category. Each 40 pound interval will yield the discount - for example, order 80 pounds and we'll take $50 off!
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